Wednesday, April 29, 2009

so ticked at Patti, let me explain......

okay, today although beautiful has been busy. I didn't feel like going to work out at Johnny's today.BUT i went because Christina was going... well well well...... we are driving up to the gym..... and are dialog is such

Me: gee i really didn't want to go
Chris: i almost didn't go, i was going to call an cancel and i check the computer first, read Patti's blog and it Inspired me to make habits that last a life time......... blah blah blah. (i stopped listening after the i read Patti's blog )
Me: why'd you go and read Patti's blog for???
Me again: i was thinking of creative ways to cancel

now i must admit, mid workout, when my muscles were burning....... Johnny said he likes to find the spot where you're muscles are burning, but the joints aren't injured...... well let me tell you....... he found the spot.... so as my muscles are crying i am thinking.....Dang you Patti, why did you have to productively blog today.... ;0). ..... as soon as we stopped with the weights he sent us on our way..... out the door, and we power walked a few blocks...... well i power walked, not sure what Chris was doing cause i was "power walking just to keep up with her".

So of course we had to call Patti on the way home from the gym... and i guess, Thank her, cause it did feel good to get ur done!!!

Okay Patti hear is a "blurry picture as to where your bed is"... since you asked LOL....

do you get
where it is now?
so anyhow that is my day at the gym
tomorrow i work at 9 am, and Friday is THE appointment.. looking forward to having the whole weekend off, since i've been doing Kiski also it has been a few weekends since i've had both days off.
talk to you later


Patti Rambles On said...

I know, it's a bitch reading my blog sometimes ;-)

Patti Rambles On said...

I tried to send you an e-mail yesterday afternoon and this morning and they both bounced back. Are you hiding from me? ;-(

Chris said...

If I recall, when you called Patti, the first words out of your mouth were....."Hi Patti, you're a bitch"! I don't think there was any thanking involved!

Sorry I walked too fast. You should have said something. My kids always hated going shopping with me because they said I walked to fast.....It's just because I hate shopping and want to get it over with as quickly as possible!