In the famous words of Sophia Petrilla, Golden Girl, a.k.a Christina and Kellie ============> Picture this, Indiana Pennsylvania, 2008. I am sitting in the Nuclear Medicine section (*deals with scans and such)of this beautiful state of the art hospital. A lab technician, tall, middle age gentleman with a Lab Coat, dignified looking, who has been at this hospital for 20 years. I go in expecting him to hook me up with the IV so that i can receive the medicine i need to begin my test...... well, He pulls out ......an electric burner, the type you'd see in college dorms, and he get a small fry pan out......... he goes to the refrigerator, and proceeds to get an Egg......... he cracks the egg in a Styrofoam cup.......... and then he puts these big heavy gloves on, and gets this container that looks like lead... he opens it very carefully, and inside is another glass container, and inside that is a vial of radioactive material, he very carefully injects this into the raw egg in the cup, and stirs well........ He then proceeds to cook me an egg, right in front of me......... here is the kicker, he then uses a small table in front of me, puts a pad on this table, the type they put under you when you have a pap smear, or fear of umm ,leaking from other orifices.
he sets a plate, a fork, salt and pepper, and a glass of water, asks me if my egg is cooked enough........ yes it is! So i eat this Egg, you know the one that contains material that needs to be held in a lead container......... i drink the water, all of it...... he quickly takes me to another room to lie on this table that is roughly 18 inches wide, it is not a bed, it looks more like a wide shelf. he maneuvers this huge contraption of a machine to come directly on my stomach region..... and voila~~~~ i see the eggs in my stomach.......lit up like a Christmas tree, a big ball of light..... I must have laid there for 80 minutes, Country Music in the back ground, I'd periodically look at the lit egg mass, and watch my stomach digest it, eventually it took on a "wormlike" shape, indicating it was now going into the small intestines...... and then i was done............ I do not know the results yet, I know afterwards i didn't feel well, and most of last night i didn't feel well, i ate lunch and dinner, not much, my stomach bloated up tons........ but i don't get so upset knowing that at least i don't have a blockage. Need the EGD to rule out the hernia problems and such. I do know this......... It sure looks like I am getting rid of a lot of yeast, because i have more "fluffiness" in my stools, than a kitten....... i am just saying.
Today i start on a mixture of Bifidobacteria and Acidophilus which will start putting the good bacteria back into my digestive tract. i find out Monday when my EGD will be scheduled. Well i need to get some breakfast, and get moving....
he sets a plate, a fork, salt and pepper, and a glass of water, asks me if my egg is cooked enough........ yes it is! So i eat this Egg, you know the one that contains material that needs to be held in a lead container......... i drink the water, all of it...... he quickly takes me to another room to lie on this table that is roughly 18 inches wide, it is not a bed, it looks more like a wide shelf. he maneuvers this huge contraption of a machine to come directly on my stomach region..... and voila~~~~ i see the eggs in my stomach.......lit up like a Christmas tree, a big ball of light..... I must have laid there for 80 minutes, Country Music in the back ground, I'd periodically look at the lit egg mass, and watch my stomach digest it, eventually it took on a "wormlike" shape, indicating it was now going into the small intestines...... and then i was done............ I do not know the results yet, I know afterwards i didn't feel well, and most of last night i didn't feel well, i ate lunch and dinner, not much, my stomach bloated up tons........ but i don't get so upset knowing that at least i don't have a blockage. Need the EGD to rule out the hernia problems and such. I do know this......... It sure looks like I am getting rid of a lot of yeast, because i have more "fluffiness" in my stools, than a kitten....... i am just saying.
Today i start on a mixture of Bifidobacteria and Acidophilus which will start putting the good bacteria back into my digestive tract. i find out Monday when my EGD will be scheduled. Well i need to get some breakfast, and get moving....
Kittens have fluffy stools???
Just asking.........
First elephants, now kittens, no wonder you have problems. You're insides are like a ZOO!
WOW! is all I can say.
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