Wednesday, April 09, 2008

an increase, no a decrease, no an increase...... What???

Okay, so my results came in from my radioactive egg eating test, I think they prob came back not totally normal, who knows? I get a call yesterday morning, a Nurse at my doctors office called to tell me the "test" came back, and the doctor wants me to INCREASE my reglan 10mg twice a day, day and night. I ask how did the test turn out? She said, I don't know., we hang up. I go look at my Reglan bottle, i am already on 10mg 4 times a day...... so did she mean to DECREASE the times to just 2 times a day, or do i INCREASE my dosages that i am on to 20mg in the morning, 10mg at lunch and dinner, and 20mg at bedtime? So i call the office back, I speak with the nurse, she says.. oh i don't know, let me get back to you............. So finally I call in the afternoon, she says Oh, just stay on the dose 10mg 4 x a day. (i guess they didn't know that I was already on this medicine when i left the hospital) I again ask, can you just tell me what the test results said? She said, you'll prob have a follow up appointment, just have the doctor tell you. please folks, if i ever become that rude or uncaring as a Nurse, shoot me! She was too lazy in the period of the day to get my chart, and read the test. It is not a difficult test to read, either 1.) my stomach moves the food along at a Normal amout of time. 2.)my stomach moves the food too slow, or 3.) my stomach "dumps" the food too fast. So I am assuming, by the medicine he ordered that my stomach is not moving the food quick enough. Reglan speeds up the movement. this can indicate, ulcers or lesions, or scar tissue, or diabetic gastroparesis, or occasionally thyroid or glandular problems......... Since I haven't had this problem before, i still want to assume that all the steroids and antibiotics wrecked havoc with my digestive system. I see the doctor on the 22nd, and unless i can get a hold of the really nice receptionist to once again ask how the test went. I guess I'll find out in a couple of weeks. ( hi Gina, are you going to be talking to your mom, and do you still have my cell phone number :~) )

OH and guess what Christina wants to do? she wants to come with me to my bro's appointment, she wants to get all the info, she so desperately wants me to succeed She also wants the entertainment of me being told to keep my mouth shut and listen......... She said she'd blog the experience as a "outside" person looking in......... personally i think her and Kim want to laugh.

Well i went to baby sit this morning, was there an hour, and then the other babysitter came, she got her days messed up.... she was supposed to work the afternoon shift, she had a meeting in the afternoon, so i told her I'd leave, and come back at 12:30pm... so i am going to get going here shortly. Also, Katie and Corey have a track meet tonight.. so i will leave babysitting and go directly there I baby sit again tomorrow morning.

Hi and Love to my Daughter, Sons, Husband, Friends and the G.G.s


Patti Rambles On said...

I'm telling you, you have to take your medical care into your own hands these days. It's crazy.
I want to go to your appointment with your brother too! Please. Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Kellie said...

ummmm Does Chris know how to post on YouTube????

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Kellie said...

ummmm Who is Jason?

Kim said...

Seriously Sandi, do we really need Chris to blog this in order to have a good laugh? I don't think so. But I still think it would be a neat thing. And probably good for a few laughs.


Anonymous said...

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town.

Chris said...

Sandi, you need to put a picture up with your new haircut!!!

Sandi said...

Chris this one was taken a few months after my last hair cut i think in December.. so when you see me take a pic of my new hair do and then I will download it.... but for those that wonder, Katie says my hair is like Kims only Curly....... and that folks is a compliment