Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Just baby steps......

Well i made the decision, and after much thought, I am going to take my brothers offer, I go on Sat for the first consult and receive all my paperwork. He made me promise him to give him just 8 weeks......... and then he said something like, I couldn't give my two cents, although i know everything about every diet out there and how they work, he wants me to keep my comments to myself. He said I mainly need to get a jump to my battery so to speak......... my metabolism!!!! he knows many of the doctors in the area so he is going to try and get in touch with mine to make sure I don't have any major problems, and he likes to work with his clients doctors. So my dear friend Kim, said this is going to be a fun 2 months, she thinks it would make a very entertaining reality TV program. Me having to keep my mouth shut and listen....... ( that part she'll enjoy)

Yesterday Christina and Megan stopped in at work to walk with me. we prob did between 1/2mile to 1 mile. baby steps is what I am doing. I've got to get in some type of condition so that i can begin hiking the hills.

Oh, and I am feeling much better, I go for the upper G.I. scope this Friday. I still get bloated but not nearly as bad as before, I truly feel the probiotics are beginning to work, I seem to have more energy......just bits of it. I woke up with a sore throat today, my sinuses are clear, but I sure hope i am Not getting a cold....... well anyhow, I don't feel bad this morning...... think I'll put some music 0n, and get this booty movin while i clean.


Chris said...

Oh Kim, that would be the best show ever!!! Maybe I'll call John and ask him if I could video tape it as a documentary. :-)

Kellie said...

Documentary is good. Forign film is bad.

Dorothy: Ma, I said I was sorry.

Sophia: The least you can do when we're going to see a movie, is say it's a foreign film.

Dorothy: What's the big deal?

Sophia: I had to stand in front of the screen just to read the subtitles, and all that running back and forth to complete a sentence almost killed me.

Kim said...

ROFL, Kellie!

I think you've made a good decision, Sandi. And, yes, this will be the blockbuster hit of the summer, in my opinion.:>D

Kim said...

I just thought how neat it would be if he would BLOG the whole process! That way, too, we could all be his support group....which I am thinkin' he is gonna be needin'.......