Thursday, May 17, 2007

this and that

Another busy day today. I am working until 2pm, My foster sons case worker is coming for a meeting at 2:30. Do a load of laundry, get supper ready, and Sam has a game tonight again. We leave tomorrow for the wedding out East. Sam is taking a friend so that he doesn't get too bored. Tomorrow is Curves which makes it 3 for me this week. Christina and I are off this week. and I hate that..... I think i need a Christina fix. Maybe next week will be better. Hey i have one more day off Wednesday day shift again.
Day two complete of the 6 weeks Curves solution. And it's really not too bad. last night when i got home from the game.... I've always had the habit of mindless eating..... and i wanted to last night...... but i had my Curves Shake....... took a relaxing bath, and went to bed. I will say this much though, My sodium intake must have decreased.......because my body is just pushing out the fluid, not even sure how many times i had to "use the bathroom" yesterday. I am drinking my water......but i always did... but i think now that i am not eating all the processed foods and stuff.... i am not retaining it like i was. I am curious to see how i do this weekend. but i am confident that i WILL succeed.
Well maybe I'll chat later, until then, have a great day....or at least try to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the wedding and have a safe and happy trip.