the time is going fast, it is funny i didn't know about what time they wanted me at the hospital,but for the ticker site, i just picked a time... well that IS the time. i am to be at Magee Woman's Hospital at 8:30 Sharp... i am excited, a little nervous, but i also know it is something i have worked hard to do......
I did some calculating cause i wasn't sure how much weight I've lost since i decided on this journey..... . since August when i started with the life coach I've lost 23 lbs and since March when i decided i didn't want to spend my winters in the hospital I've lost 49lbs.... realistically i could lose another 70 lbs to 100 lbs, who cares......... i am enjoying the journey .. and i just don't care how long it takes.......
I am getting my sheets washed, i am going to work on my bedroom and house until bill comes home....... i am not really hungry..... but i must say there is a small part of me saying......."can't have that for a few weeks, can't have that for a few weeks......can't have that for a few weeks...." nothing has crossed my mind of a food that i think I'll never have..... don't know why it just isn't.
my family is awesome, i know Katie, at least before she heads to the beach will be the little mother here, and the boys listen to her pretty well too. she's able to get groceries, and do the errands...... love my girl!!!
Tonight Christian, Megan and Paige stopped , they and Jeanine went together and got me the most awesome Lap Band Surgery basket..... i think I've looked at it and cried dozens of times... I love my family and my friends...... just feeling the love, in the basket there is an awesome shake container, sugar free shakes to try, several books, a movie, comfy Adidas shoes, warm slippers, a soft blanket, relaxing vanilla lavender candle, hand sanitizers.....green tea, which i am going to try tonight, SF white raspberry tea packets....... and it goes on....... i think i'll stay awake as long as i can..... i better go get more drinking in.... to get a hands up on dehydration..... and when i say drinking i don't mean Vodka..... water, green tea........that's it LOL. and i think i'll eat a pudding SF , and a Yogurt...... well i gotta go......... Love to all, and Patti will be blogging for me when she hears from the boogie man.. Oh PS keep Christina's family in your thoughts, although not totally a sad issue, her mom's sister (her aunt) died this morning, i think she was 85..... she was plagued with Alheimers, and has been pretty ill for a long time, but it a loss , and a remembrance of who she was.... funerals are long and tiring esp for an Italian family...
WOW i am overwhelmed.... and honored, I've been writing this for a while now....... my brothers are texting, friends are calling, family calling...... i've even heard from my Kellie Golden Girl..... waiting to see if she'll call back... , talked to Patti this afternoon, Kim last night..... Christina all the time........ I called Jeanine to thank her for the wonderful basket........ now i'll go talk to the kids, try and call Kim before she goes to sleep..... eat my pudding , drink my tea.......... ahhhhhhh do you think i'll get Demerol??? cause i really liked that!!
**** Thank you Christina, Jeanine, Megan and Paige...... i love you guys
i had to delete my daughters comment.... i told her she was the first in my blog tonight, but i forgot i thanked the other girls for the basket...... so NOW i hope this makes princess happy
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