I posted this picture on facebook, but i know that not everyone can see it so i posted it here.... i think it is so cute, yup...Bill and the other woman!!
Friday we went to work out with John, after the work out he made us go directly to a park to do our Cardio. and of course we did, i must say, i could have easily lied to him and told him that we went........ but NO, Christina keeps me honest. Well John also said he wanted us to come to the gym today (Sunday) and do the workout. and that He would not be there....... how easy it would have been to just stay home and "tell" him we went...... but NO we go. Chris and I have a way of keeping each other accountable. .. so before 8am we head to the gym.... we had the entire gym to ourselves. I was quite surprised that we remembered what Johnny told us to do. i remembered the routine better, and Christina remembered the weight we were supposed to use better.......... (what a team). we kicked ass through the workout and then i must say we kicked ass during the Cardio...... i must admit i was soaking wet when i was done.......but it felt so good to accomplish this. i Think Johnny really wants us to be accountable to ourselves and not rely on him so much. and he is right, so what if he can't be there every time....... there is no reason we can't do it ourselves.........
I had SOOOOO much fun last night with Christina and Larry. talk about two couple's who are 100% comfortable with each other..... and laughing... that is all we did... Food was great, we went to the Olive Garden, i had chicken Parmesan, i cut the meal in half immediately. Bill and Larry finished the one half LOL. and i only ate 1/3 of the pasta. we did indulge in a wonderful dessert...... can't even explain it, but Chocolate is a good word to use...... Bill and I shared one, and Chris and Larry shared one. I only had one bread stick.......... and although i was full i must admit that i didn't feel too yucky. You know we talked about going on an Alaska Cruise on our tenth anniversary.... we asked Chris and Larry to go......... i can see how easy it would be going on vacation together. we'd have fun together, and not feel offended when we would be apart.. (3 more years guys...)
Wow that surgery date is coming faster and faster........ i already figured the books i want to read, and the movies i am saving to watch..... i know the food i'll be eating for the first week.... i think i am ready.
Please say a prayer for tomorrow for my job interview...... if it is meant to be ........it will be so! I just want to be where i am supposed to be.
Well today is my Bill's birthday....... he wants venison roast........ so i better go put that in the crock pot........
Kellie, can you e-mail me your phone number again, i know it changed. i'd love to chat with everyone in the next few days...
Love and Blessings, it is your choice to make this a good day!!!
Happy Birthday to the Boogie Man from his other woman, twice removed (you know, removed kind of like the second cousin thing).
Happy birthday, Bill, and prayers and blessings with the job interview! Glad you had a good weekend!
Love ya, sis!
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