Thursday, April 05, 2007


If laughter is good for your health, Well then, Chris and I are sooooooo healthy. No matter how bad the day starts, or what mood we are in...........some how, some way........ we start laughing!!!! Sometimes it's just how i say things. Like who knew that The Rolling Stones wasn't just a magazine! who new that Mick Jagger wasn't married to Heather Locklear? So i lead a sheltered childhood, but not really......... I mean Christina didn't know that Kenny Rogers was married to Marianne the second time around, and had a son Christopher (i think that was his name) See it was Christina who was clueless :0)

Good day yesterday. Did go to Curves of course, my tooth is not feeling as bad as it did the day before, so maybe, it's just irritation from being worked on and not damaged. i will give it time, and we will see.

I figured out my worse time for now i gotta figure out why/ i do great all day long. Packing healthy lunches and snacks for work..... even using my pedometer timer to remind me to eat every 2-3 hours, even if it is a few strawberries and a piece of grilled chicken. But for some reason...........come 7pm - 8pm, i just want to eat everything in site. I guess the first thing good is becoming aware of it.......

Oh yeah...... one more thing......... i must be starting to look like i am loosing weight...... my daughter Katie..........who loves speaking the truth about what her mommy is wearing , and how she looks....... ( "mom, that shirt, it's from the old days......since when did the late 80's early 90's become the old days???") my daughter was sitting in the living room, and I walked passed her, and she says sorta mom, are you loosing weight? cause i think you are starting to look like you are!!! well yeah Katie......... haven't missed a workout/curves in two months, that's what happens....

Well, we will see if Chris calls me to do a work out...... I'll lay low and not say much, just in case she gets busy....... and forgets that i am here...... (one can only hope)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never forget and I'm never too busy. Get your butt down here as soon as you get Sam to school......We're doing 3 MILES today, just for thinking that you could get out of it!!!!!