Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kellie my Hero of the week

I have this beautiful friend Kellie, whom i've only met in person once... who i've known for 5 years, I've talked to her on the phone, we keep up with each other on blogs. and e-mails.... but there is NO doubt that she is one of my dearest friends in the world.
I don't think Kellie had the easiest childhood growing up.... actually I am pretty sure it sucked really really bad. She married this wonderful man who has given unconditional acceptance and security. She gave birth to 3 beautiful children......
..... in the past few years this family found out that the youngest son has a debilitating life threatening disease, Kellie had to deal with and endure countless doctor appointments, surgeries, plane trips , Ronald McDonald houses, medical complications, fighting with the Insurance company. all of this while watching her "baby boy" writhe in pain, ....during ALL of this they lost their house........ medical bills and medications sucked every ounce of money they had. it became a daily question..... do we buy "our son " his medication, or do we buy bread and milk....... oh lets throw into this equation, her oldest son was serving in Iraq on and off during this..
Okay now lets find out that our middle Daughter has the same hereditary complication that the youngest son has....... Okay ...... Now the husband lost his job, another victim of todays economy.....oh and he will be losing his Health insurance too........... Sure Kellie has really bad days, but I watch her continue to PERSEVERE, she is amazing how she can switch gears and be able to work out a medical plan for her son. she continues to find that very fine silver lining around every dark cloud. She is the glue that through all of this keeps her world stable so her children can stand strong. You know while her life has been like this, while she hears more bad news about her son........she's trying to figure out how to help my husband with his MRSA face infection....... she managed to order and send him essential oils that i believe played an incredible role in his face healing so perfectly. How in the world does she even have time to think about anyone else? Kellie I know you are not perfect, and I know that you have days you prob don't even want to get out of bed........ BUT girlfriend you AMAZE me to no end.......... sometimes if Christina and I even want to complain about something silly going don't know how often we say to each other " we have no right to complain, think about what Kellie is going through...... YOU inspire me to be a better person on a daily basis. thank you.
and Kellie I promise you that God knows and sees everything.... and I promise you that He is holding you every step of the way.


Kellie said...

I don't know what to say other than I love you all and that I KNOW you or any other mother would do the same. Geesh you made me cry lady. Thank you for being my friend and sounding board through my psycho world.
Love yuns

Nicole G. Hutnik said...

Dear Sandi,

Kellie is one of my dearest friends! I am blessed with many amazing people in my life and she is one them! If I wrote it myself, I couldn’t have said it better!! Kudos!

I run a foundation called Giving a Chance Foundation and ChiariPeople of Ohio (A.K.A. ChiariansUnite). What you may not know … She donates countless hours of her time to other Chiarians in the name of our support group and foundation. She gives of her time, experience, guidance, and knowledge! Kellie is truly an amazing woman and an incredible asset to our foundation and support group!! I would truly be lost without her!!

Thank you SO MUCH for reminding me how important it is to remind those around us how much we appreciate them!

I am so glad to hear your husband is doing so well!! He has been in my prayers along with your family!

May your days be filled with what is MOST important in life ... love, kindness, compassion, respect, understanding, and relief!

In the spirit of paying it forward ... With kindest remembrances,
Nicole G. Hutnik

Chris said...

Wow Sandi, that was so well said!!

Love ya Kellie! :0)

Patti Rambles On said...
