Thursday, January 29, 2009

I was just thinking~~~~~

so my husband was sitting with a group of his co-workers, not even remotely ashamed that His wife is over weight enough that she is considering the lap band surgery. He truly loves me for who i am. how cool is that :0). he doesn't see me as over weight.......... he just sees me as his wife. he is getting pretty excited for me, he is already figuring out this and that. like for instance if we do on the rare occasion, go out to eat.... we can split a meal i can take 1/3 or 1/4, and he will finish the rest. He has already stopped drinking liquids with his meals, since i stopped that some time ago. he is figuring that he can take a week off work to be with me after the surgery, i on the other hand will try and talk him into going to work after a few days..... really i'll be on liquids only. i'll be resting, and "walking" around the house. and Christina is right there if something happens. I plan on making a huge pot of Chicken broth...... and then freeze it in individual freezer bags......... so i can just pull one out when i need it. Someone asked me today, what happens if my Insurance for some reason says no? Well i look at it this way...... if God is pretty sure he'd like me to continue this journey........then i will. and the Insurance will be fine. HOWEVER, if there is a slight chance that they do not cover this........ well my goodness, i sure am learning a lot, and enjoying the journey........ i've developed some really good habits this past year. including things like "chewing my food" still am thrilled with that eye opening piece of information. I eat slower, don't drink with my meals, I exercise more, I monitor and keep track of my food. ............ do i have a back up plan? sure i do.......

I must admit that i am so tired today.......... i mean so tired. I don't feel sick, no fever, sore throat, earache, stomach , diarrhea, headache........... nope NOTHING! other that very tired. so i'll take extra fluids, extra vitamin C, and hopefully extra sleep tonight.... and continue with positive thinking and relaxation techniques to keep stress from recking havoc with my Immune system. I know that when I worked on Tuesday....... i was bombarded with sick boys..... so there were little evil germs floating everywhere... only time will tell

I am at work now, and i just want to crawl into bed......... hmmm, wondering if this is PRE menstrual related........

1 comment:

Patti Rambles On said...

And the Boogie Man says "if it's Monday it's no carb day".