Saturday, January 31, 2009
~my back~
So here i sit at work, and actually it isn't feeling too bad, we will see what will happen after i start moving again.
I am feeling pretty good, there is so much sickness at Kiski right now..... but i am really keeping up on my vitamins, Xtra C, resting and drinking tons of fluids.......nothing more i can do.....
i haven't been writing down my food selections as of late, i think i've missed 4 days..... which is a big NO NO. so today i am making sure i am writing down everything....... I've been making green tea /for my water, no sugar, no nothing...... and i've been drinking 48oz's daily...... i steep the tea bags about 4 minutes that is it.... sometimes i add a scoop of Raspberry Herbal loose tea just for a touch of flavor. well Bill is here i am going to chat with him
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I was just thinking~~~~~
I must admit that i am so tired today.......... i mean so tired. I don't feel sick, no fever, sore throat, earache, stomach , diarrhea, headache........... nope NOTHING! other that very tired. so i'll take extra fluids, extra vitamin C, and hopefully extra sleep tonight.... and continue with positive thinking and relaxation techniques to keep stress from recking havoc with my Immune system. I know that when I worked on Tuesday....... i was bombarded with sick boys..... so there were little evil germs floating everywhere... only time will tell
I am at work now, and i just want to crawl into bed......... hmmm, wondering if this is PRE menstrual related........
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
No Johnny again today..... it was way bad here weather wise, and I didn't do exercise at home either like what i planned...... oh I didn't lie around i've had this urge to really do some deep cleaning, like closets and shelves i haven't touched in years........ then Christina who can be really brilliant at times figured out why.... maybe i didn't realize it, but i could have this surgery from 2 weeks to 2 months from now...... so i am getting my home in "order" so to speak, so i can truly rest during my convalescent period.
.......sometimes she is just so smart :0).
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Didn't even take my bra off.....
So i guess i was too busy to notice my bra and socks have remained on all evening......
I am tired, waiting for Bill to come home from his second job , i'll have a hot meal waiting for him when he walks in the door....... after i visit with him for a while i think i'll head to the tub.........and crawl in too my very chilly bed........ and wait until my body heats the covers so i can drift off to sleep... i actually do Not work tomorrow, but i have a dentist appointment, an appointment with Johnny, and then Drew has a basketball game........ still feeling pretty dang good....... actually i am feeling really good... well i think Bill is home so i gotta split........
Monday, January 26, 2009
Emotionally Stable with Incredible Coping skills. (no smart a** remarks from the peanut gallary (hi Cliff)
The Psychiatric appointment went well. and i know those who really know me aren't going to believe this. but She thought I really had my "stuff " together. She thought i was realistic, and my coping skills and ability to see the whole picture were right on the money. She dug into my past, my divorce, all kinds of things...... and she kept going back to the "so your Xhusband works with your present husband who helped him get the job in the first place , and they both take your kids to games and out for pizza kind of thing"........ i think she was almost shocked. And she also said because my Family Doctor put on my diagnosis once, 10 years ago, "anxiety" issues because i went through a tough time when my husband left...... was a symptom of what was going on, not a diagnosis.
There where no black dot pictures to figure out or no profound questions to answer(if you could invite any person living or dead to have dinner with you, what would you make?~Rose Niland GG)
So now I wait for all the information to be processed and sent to the Insurance company... next will be approval by the Insurance Company and then finally a Surgery Date.
However i am still in the Prep study for 2 more years after the my surgery date so i will be watched very closely for a long time
well i am going to get going, Bill and I are going to Drew's basketball game this evening.......... work in the Am.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Kellie my Hero of the week
I don't think Kellie had the easiest childhood growing up.... actually I am pretty sure it sucked really really bad. She married this wonderful man who has given unconditional acceptance and security. She gave birth to 3 beautiful children......
..... in the past few years this family found out that the youngest son has a debilitating life threatening disease, Kellie had to deal with and endure countless doctor appointments, surgeries, plane trips , Ronald McDonald houses, medical complications, fighting with the Insurance company. all of this while watching her "baby boy" writhe in pain, ....during ALL of this they lost their house........ medical bills and medications sucked every ounce of money they had. it became a daily question..... do we buy "our son " his medication, or do we buy bread and milk....... oh lets throw into this equation, her oldest son was serving in Iraq on and off during this..
Okay now lets find out that our middle Daughter has the same hereditary complication that the youngest son has....... Okay ...... Now the husband lost his job, another victim of todays economy.....oh and he will be losing his Health insurance too........... Sure Kellie has really bad days, but I watch her continue to PERSEVERE, she is amazing how she can switch gears and be able to work out a medical plan for her son. she continues to find that very fine silver lining around every dark cloud. She is the glue that through all of this keeps her world stable so her children can stand strong. You know while her life has been like this, while she hears more bad news about her son........she's trying to figure out how to help my husband with his MRSA face infection....... she managed to order and send him essential oils that i believe played an incredible role in his face healing so perfectly. How in the world does she even have time to think about anyone else? Kellie I know you are not perfect, and I know that you have days you prob don't even want to get out of bed........ BUT girlfriend you AMAZE me to no end.......... sometimes if Christina and I even want to complain about something silly going don't know how often we say to each other " we have no right to complain, think about what Kellie is going through...... YOU inspire me to be a better person on a daily basis. thank you.
and Kellie I promise you that God knows and sees everything.... and I promise you that He is holding you every step of the way.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
6 months done......... new phase started
this PREP program is the best thing that I have ever done in regards to trying to get healthy. This program has worked on every possible direction and avenue I can think of. from all the weekly visits, learning how to eat and why i eat. getting down to the nitty gritty as to why i am over 100lbs over weight. Not only did i see Aimee today, I also did Evaluation # 2 of many. had to answer a 20 page questionnaire about how~ where ~why ~when ~what ~volume that I eat. I have the little "arm computer band" to wear to document my movement...... I wore this in May or early June...... i bet it has changed data already..... and i have a little ( or i should say quite lengthy ) questionnaire to fill out and return (it has 40 pages to it). I've read a few blogs and stories (mainly on the lapband talk website) where people trying to get the lapband are upset because they have to wait....... well i'd just like to tell them take the "wait" and make it an opportunity!! also there is one client that actually gained weight during the process, and the Doctor will not do her surgery.... she said that if you can't loose a few pounds without the lapband you will NOT lose pounds after the lapband!!! so she has to try again. also now many insurances are requiring you lose some weight between the initial visit and the day surgery is approved....oh well enough of that.
I left my house at a little after 9am and will return a little after 7pm, and then i come directly back here at 7am until 1pm........ I am tired, oh not mentally tired, just tired would love a day off. even if it is Kiski. Hey Chris when i get off tomorrow at 1pm you want to go directly for a hike?? I know if i go home first...don't think i'll leave....... let me know
well i think while i have the time i'll sort through all the papers and such i got today.
Oh and Cliff i commented on your comment that commented on my comment about your comment...... on the post without a title or words ;0)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
NO MERCY~~~~~>
i think i am going to get a whirlpool tub bath.......and drink a hot cup of tea (Chris gave me a different flavor to try)
and tomorrow i have a day of meetings in Pittsburgh then i go directly to work........ so it will be an all day affair...... hate days like that, and then i think i work day shift on Thursday........ yoi......
well i just can't seem to type anymore.... make it a good night
Hey Chris how are you surviving????
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
when am i getting my "G String"

So Christina and Larry (her great hubby) were talking yesterday and I guess Chris was thinking about adding a tool to her journey. so i guess being that we both work out with Johnny and we both walk a couple days a week, Larry wanted to know if "I was going to go with her?" and Chris was like No Larry but i can go by myself,. i guess he questioned this or that........and then he said oh that's right, when does Sandi get her G String???? needless to say, when i heard this i broke up in laughter, as well as Bill did when i told him the story. Now I must say that Larry did redeem himself and said......" oh i meant the Lap band" who knows maybe the G string will be needed after the Lap band has been in place a while.... i mean I am just sayin', but i am pretty surely positive that right now that a G string would not be a really good "tool" for me to use.
Well I am at Kiski today, Bill brought me in using the Tracker, and good thing too. the roads are really not great, and we saw a few cars that could not make it and were along the road. Sundays are quiet here so it should be a good afternoon. I must say that my Butt muscles are really hurting me today, and i can't think what exercise i did at Johnny's that would kill a butt muscle.
well i should get going......... have a good rest of the afternoon
Friday, January 16, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

1. dedication to a cause or principle
2. an obligation, responsibility, or promise that restricts freedom of action
3. the act of committing or state of being committed
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bottom line is, Christina can help and support me, Bill and my kids can support me, Johnny can help and support me, My diet coach can support me....... and heck yeah, the Lapband can help and support me....... BUT I am ultimately responsible for my decisions, actions, successes and failures.
i have the absolute greatest network of support, and they are wonderful tools, yet I am responsible and must answer to myself. i guess it is the same concept when i do get the lapband. sure it will be there with me, but it ain't gonna work unless i make the decision to work with it.
i feel really good about yesterday! oh and i can't forget, so last night I was so tempted to pull out the Oreos..... i was craving them so bad, and if i can be honest, i knew that the crave was so strong that i would have eaten way more than 2. .... i can't even explain how close i came to scarfing up the Oreos,........... okay get a grip, i said to myself.... maybe it is sweet i am craving...... so i got a sugar free rice pudding, put it in a dessert dish, and a dollop of light cool whip (comes in a can now).... sat down and slowly ate that.......... well it did the trick....... and later in the evening i had 1/2 grapefruit and 1 sm clementine...... I went to bed without feeling any cravings.... and the Oreos haven't called me since.....
IT is so cold here, so i think i am going to get a nice hot bath to warm me up. oh and i bought this eye mask actually made for sinus issues, it applies cold (goes in the freezer) pressure to the area around my eyes and it feels wonderful....... i used it for 1/2 hour last night....... and my headache went away...... if i were to grade myself for yesterday......i'd have to give it an A
and the work out with Johnny was tough..... he said my Cardio level did not diminish, but he took it easy on the joints..... my strength was still there too..... when i got home my arms felt like rubber, but nothing that shouldn't of hurt .......hurt. even my knees are fine... we'll see what happens of Friday :0)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
So i am getting these emails that so and so has wrote on my Wall, now what does that mean??? didn't even know that I had a wall! It had something to do with facebook, which i must say that I am clueless to the fact, thanks to Katie she is training me well...... (gee more to learn).
I have my last two parts of the process in 13 days.........and then everything will be submitted to my Insurance for approval and then the date will be set for my surgery. My diet coach said actually it should move pretty quickly. So how am I feeling about it? well Kim and I spoke about this last night......... and I am feeling really good about it. I just know that this is right for me. You know if God wanted I could wake up a size 10, and i wouldn't complain. But for some reason God is all about the journey, the growth, the learning!!! I really feel in the long run this is a good tool for me. is it for everyone? absolutely NOT, different things work for different people. Kim is happy with her tool, Patti is happy with her tool, there are people at Weight Watchers that are happy with their tool, as well as Jenny Craig, Atkins, Curves, Calorie King,...... and we can work with more than one tool. I just know that last year at this time, I was sick, I went back and re read my blog...... and i spent most of January and All of February very sick. ... So it was back then, after getting out of the hospital, spending 12 weeks ill, .....that I had to take control of my health.... So I just prayed for direction, i prayed for answers, and I prayed for peace. ...... so it has been almost a year since the Lapband entered my mind... and it sure has been a process. but still no regrets............ even at this point, i am still trusting God , so if i get this far and for some reason or another, i am told, surgery can't be done......... then i got to realize that God is a part of that decision too...... and he doesn't take His children on unnecessary Journeys just for shits and giggles!!!!...... I am just sayin'
Well have a good bit of work to do here at Kiski.........but time seems to fly by when i am busy.
I'll let you know how i survived the workout tomorrow.....
Sunday, January 11, 2009
two funks don't make a right....

Friday, January 09, 2009
Only kim would............
Hey girl, gotta love ya :o).
Way to keep up the exercise routine........
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Christina the exercise Nazi......
ME: hey Chris real busy here, but just wanted you to know that i won't make a hike today
(Chris continued to just listen to this and that and agree, and said she didn't feel like doing anything either, and then out of blue at the end of our conversation)
CHRIS: its 10:30 now, you don't have to pick Corey up for a while there is time to do something
ME: (thinking maybe she didn't hear me) well I've gotta put things away, and clean up a little bit, and put the chicken in the fridge (we all KNOW how long it takes to put chicken in the fridge)
CHRIS: come on there is time for you to do something
ME: Oh I'll call you back in 10 minutes
so, i get off the phone and grumble, sorta ticked that she didn't just say oh good I've got things to do too.
ME: (call Chris back) Hey Chris, we'll be up in few minutes (me and katie) and we'll go walk that tough hill at Conemaugh
CHRIS: ( a moment of silence)..... oh.........umm, do you know that it is 28 degrees outside???
ME: Katie has the warmest hat in the world, I'll bring for you.... bundle up.
CHRIS: ...... oh okay!!!!
so Katie, Me Izzy and Louie all headed to Christina's (Juneau already went with Katie earlier, and Sadie needs a few days off) well Christina didn't exactly look happy to see us...... but later on in the walk, after I thanked her for encouraging me her wonderful comment was......
"....well i was just talking the talk, i wasn't expecting to walk the walk" gotta love the girl, she just assumed that I'd say No, honestly though it was cold and beautiful, Chris can obviously go up B*tch hill much quicker than me, so i get to the top of the second hill and there she is lying on the icy ground staring at the sky......she did not want to be there but we did hike 3 miles...... Katie was so far ahead, couldn't find us and prob did 5 miles walking back and forth trying to find us......she isn't very good at tracking ....... but that is another blog.....
bottom line is.......I am so glad i went...... breathing the cold air, just made me seem to breath deeper, i am feeling pretty dang good right now........ also makes me want to stay on track with my eating....
so in all seriousness.......... how lucky am i to have a neighbor/relative/friend like you......... pretty dang blessed if you ask me.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
.....God's got my back!
well I had a phone meeting with my diet coach, we are down to just 2 more weeks, hard to believe that 6 months is up already. Nothing more left to do other than the Nutritional assessment and the Psychiatric assessment. I am going to start keeping track of not only my calories but my protein as i am told after the lapband procedure, Protein will be the most important nutrient that I'll need to take. so i want to figure out that amount now and not wait until the week before my surgery.
I am really learning about Essential Oils, and we relied on them during Bills infection (hi Kellie). He uses a mixture of tea tree, chamomile, and lavender on his face every night. and he has NOT had an infected ingrown hair since. I have been putting lemongrass oil on my chest at night as well as taking my Clairtin with Bromelin and i haven't been congestion yet. when my knee was acting up i would use the Lemongrass and olive oil and rub in on my knees. After the sonogram of my abdomen yesterday esp wear my liver is, it started to ache really bad. i mean the sonogram "wand" hurt the entire time i was getting the test done....... so last night Bill put on one of those icy hot patches for me....and it did help but this morning it ached all over again.. so i took some olive oil and a few drops of grapefruit oil and rubbed in all over my abdominal area, focusing on the liver left a warm sensation, but that was 5 hours ago and no pain right now. I think it is possible to work with doctors and what you would call traditional medications and treatments. as well as work with homeopathic, natural and wholistic treatments. I am fortunate that my personal doctor is willing to work with both with me, he is open minded and willing to try what i bring to him..... so right now i am on Diovon (traditional for blood pressure); Bromelin (herbal for sinus inflammation) Claritin (traditional for allergies, sinus inflammation) Protonix (traditional for stomach issues) Papaya Enzymes ( herbal for stomach issues and aiding in protein breakdown). so quite the mixture there :0). oh please know that you CAN take too many vitamins and herbs. and they filter through your liver just like all drugs... and cause toxicity to your liver and kidneys... and my doctor is aware of everything I take.... that is important too...... okay enough of that..............
I am here at Kiski, and I do have a lot to do since this is the beginning of the new year, lots of new students and lots of paper work.. so i best get my butt in gear..........
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
~apology to Jeanine~
I realized you really worked hard on that beautiful green yellow dip with the moss growing in circles around it. I mean the layered mold (mold not meaning the stuff that grows in my refrigerator, but mold meaning shaped bowl) was so beautiful and well presented....... the flavors were ummm........interesting...... what was it Parsley, and Lemon, and Stuff....... I can't help that my tongue did not enjoy what the eyes did. HOWEVER, i should NOT have made such a disgusting face, choke, spin my head around 2 times and was all reflexes i swear. If i hurt you in any way.... i beg for your forgiveness....... I am sorry!!!!
Now for those who do not know Jeanine.... she is Christina's daughter and she is one hell of a cook and baker. Jeanine loves different foods and she is willing to try different recipes, She makes 4 star Christmas cookies, you know the difficult types, that few of us venture to try and bake. well this umm, not sure what you'd call it was a new recipe she tried....... i accidentally did not like it...... but hey i guess i am not going to like everything ..... right.
Well okay enough about Jeanine, I just got back from the hospital , had my Upper GI and Abdominal Ultrasound. other than my fatty liver, everything else looked good. and the Upper GI showed a insignificant hiatal hernia with minimal regurgitation in the esophagus. as usual my blood work from last month showed "borderline" high triglycerides, good and bad cholesterol. My A1C is 5.2 what will next year show in my blood work........cause when it is all said and done, it isn't about looking good, although that would be nice, it isn't about wearing a size 8 jean, although that would be nice. it is about my health and how i feel.....
I have another doctor appointment this afternoon, and then workout with Johnny...... hopefully the ice/sleet/rain will not make driving treacherous cause if that is the case, i ain't goin' although Chris and I are ready to get in the grove again
Make it a good one folks
Monday, January 05, 2009
do i always need a title???
Katie and I took the dogs for a nice walk yesterday, nobody was around, and I think the hunting season is official over. (muzzle loader ended on Sat) Chris and I go to Johnny's tomorrow to workout. It will be good getting back into that routine.
I am here at Kiski today, I'll be getting between 3 and 4 days a week. yes i get busy here, but there are times that there is a big Lull in activity. you just never know what is coming through my door...... it could be someone asking for a tums for an upset stomach. Or it could be someone with an acute allergic reaction to the peanut butter they were NOT supposed to eat.....causing anaphylactic shock......
I must admit i didn't keep as good of track on my eating as i did at Christmas time. Not that i over ate by any means, but I find the key for me has been to monitor my food intake.
Oh Kimmie, I didn't think to look at my answering machine when i got back from my walk with Katie, why would i, after all i left the house full of boys! I only knew you called when Bill told me at 9 o'clock last night......... and i have so much to tell you too.........
I somehow have managed to keep my annual cold/lung infection/bronchial asthma at bay so far this season. i have a couple more months to go to get through "peak season"
well my eyes don't really want me on this computer, so i think i'll make this short too....... remember to count you blessings today.........we have many!!!!
Friday, January 02, 2009
`~`~`~`~>out of sorts!!!!
Bill has another day off tomorrow, i am happy for him......he deserves to have some time off........ we will prob take Izzibella (Izzy) and Juneau for a nice hike...... it will be the first time we put Juneau and Izzy together. We'll take Sadie and Louie on a separate walk.......shorter esp for old girl Sadie......... and tell me again........why do we have 4 dogs???? Louie is Johns, Izzy is Katie's, Sadie is really getting old so we kinda just have a dog and 1/2 right.??? (well i tried.)
well i've been writing this blog for 2 hours now, and seem to keep getting interrupted, i think i am going to hit the sack early.......
make it a good weekend
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Not this year, maybe first time ever....
2009 is getting in prep for my impending surgery, continue my journey to better health, and hopefully ending 2009 with my 10 mile hike in honor of Melody. sounds good to me :0)
Dr. Klain has me on a new blood pressure medication because the one i've been on can't be taken during my they wanted me to switch......well I don't like it, i've given it 2 weeks......... decided to write down the symptoms i am having....and then look up the symptoms to see if i was experiencing them..... fatigue, check! bloating, check!, nausea, check!. I think i am going to go back on my other medicine and just stop it a few days before surgery. cause i am doing too good to have any set backs.
Bill and I had a nice day today........ just He and I. after some "issues " with his work and the transmission on my van....... we were able to leave bright and early.......went out for breakfast, and then took a road trip to McConnells Mills....... one of my favorite places. it was a little too icy to walk the rock trail along the river..... , stopped by Morraine State Park, what a cold beautiful day. Bill knows me well........ this is me, this is my day...... i'll take a day like this over a fancy dance or party, or a day of shopping, or a movie....... I love my outdoors, and i am loving Katie's gifts too me........ it DOES pay to get name brand gear like ear bands, gloves, hiking socks.....windbreakers...... and trust me I am not a "name brand" type of girl.. but i did stay warm and toasty
well i came home to a crock pot full of Pork, Kielbasi, Sauerkraut..... and i made hot apple turnovers for evening snack.......... a good start to a New Year.........
oh Patti, I am supposed to tell you........Bill is starting his "diet" on Monday........