For Unto Us a Child is Born, Unto Us a Son is Given: And the Government shall be upon his shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 6)
During this awesome family time, filled with laughter, good food, presents, old movies, Christmas music playing in the back ground, lights and color and trees. i must remember the reason for my Joy. I would not be this happy without the Birth of this beautiful baby. and i know that life isn't easy, but i do KNOW , that i never have to be alone during the storms in my life. And i thank God for His wonderful gift to Us.
I think i told Patti, or Christina, not sure which one, I am so happy and content right now, i don't even think anti depressant medication works this way...... i almost think that maybe somebody is slipping me something... Maybe it is those high quality vitamins that i seem to tolerate very well. maybe it is me learning so much about living in the moment without dwelling on past or present at my office.... I quit wondering, i think i'll just enjoy :0)
Yesterday after work Bill Sam and I ran to the Mall to see if Sammy's phone could get fixed (easy fix) well at one point, i accidentally bumped into this man, and He gave me such a dirty look, bill joked that i didn't have a licence to walk....... the man had such a mean look on his face, I said to Bill..... "leave the miserable man alone, and then i looked at him and said, Sorry you are so grumpy, but Merry Christmas and God Bless. He turned away!! I wasn't mad, I just was sad for a moment, looking around seeing so many miserable people going through the motions.... How so sad to go through life like this, face it folks, we only live once, and the world is going to continue to spin whether we are content or miserable.... it is your choice.
My wish is that we can all find and experience our own peace in our lives..... ( i do not say perfection, i say peace)
Have a Merry Christmas, And May God Bless Us All, Everyone!!!
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