For some reason, My daughter and I think that a bigger tree the better, this tree is huge..... when Bill and the Boys set it in the tree stand and stood it up, It did NOT fit by 2 feet.... so we cut to fit, it is prob 11 to 13 feet, as it just makes it to the peak of our Cathedral ceiling. I have no rhyme or reason as to how I decorate it, it is color and history. Ornaments that have been passed down through the years, some from when i was a little girl, ornaments that the kids made from preschool / up. To be honest, i don't think i'll ever have a tree with a theme....... cause it just isn't me, and i couldn't imagine not using these ornaments. I love the holiday season, and as i keep telling my kids, I am my mother's daughter........ i love decorating, i love baking cookies, and listening to Christmas carols all day, i love snow and cold and twinkling lights. This Sunday we will bake Sugar Cookies, and my kids will " make me happy" and go along with it... and help decorate the cookies... ( i've been doing that since I was 4 years old....... why stop now! Now when December 25th is over........ I will be ready to take it all down, and re organize my house again.... i've always been that way.
So briefly let me tell you how yesterday at work went. Yesterday was the first day that i actually saw patients, and i was nervous, and it went great.... as usual my instinct kicked in and i felt comfortable, and it was nice to "visit" with real human beings, and not hide away with paperwork, forms, computers and phones. I also have about 4 or 5 patients that the doctor wants me to "evaluate" for the Wellness program, we will prob get that up and running after the holidays....... keep this in prayer, as I feel that this is the direction that i am meant to go. I can't wait to check in and let you know how these vitamins are working for me, the isotonic form which bypass the sitting in the stomach, and goes directly to the first part of the small intestines where it is absorbed, is really a bonus for me and the Lap Band, I am looking forward to see if it works, and if i notice a difference in my overall wellness.
Sweet Louie :xoxo:
awww that is cute. Our old dog Iggy has loved sleeping under the tree ever since we got him. Your tree is beautiful and as always you did a great job at work.
Some times we can be our worst enemy. Talk to you soon. Love ya GF
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