Monday, May 18, 2009

Why in the heck haven't I posted lately......

can't answer that! other than I've been busy...... but in a good way. and i just haven't mosied over to the computer lately. Patti comes in 10 days and 23 hours when i am writing this........ it is coming so quickly. i am excited and relaxed...... Andrew has major facial surgery in 8 days and 12 hours. He is excited, I am however a little nervous, i trust his doctor, and I trust God..... (not in that order) wow that means school is over for all 3 boys in 10 days and 21 hours.......... and summer begins. i am glad i have a job that doesn't go on a 3 month break..... it is a blessing in disguise........
So much is going on, and i have a lot to talk about, but not a lot of time. i will tell you this......... i got truly truly lap band sick yesterday. i notice that i can eat 1/2 of what i normally eat, and to date i haven't had a certain food that i totally rejected....... until yesterday!!! i made Stromboli's for the family, and i remember eating it before........ BUT not after my first small adjustment/fill. i don't eat even 1/3 of the Stromboli serving.... but i suddenly got a lot of pain and pressure, i so wanted to throw up, but didn't, got all dizzy and sweaty,,,,, and then of course the digestive tract started spasming.... and i had pretty rough diarrhea for about 2 hours. i was so sick, i began to think that maybe i had a stomach flu or virus............ i went to my room to lie down...... drifted off to sleep and woke up feeling just fine... so nope not a virus..... just my body becoming allergic to white doughy foods...... umm don't think i'll try that one again..... and gee this is before my second adjustment at the end of June.
i am enjoying a moment where there is peace and contentment with all 4 of my children..... usually they take turns giving me problems... well right now, all 4 of them are actually being a joy to be around....... what is up with that????
well i gotta get going ......maybe i'll post more tomorrow.... love and blessings

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