for those who know what trail I am talking about, to get to the top of many trials you have to hike UPHILL(Btch Hill), forever , or a 1/4 of a mile, it just feels like forever, I have made it up a few times many many years ago without stopping. but not in the past 5 years....... so i take a deep breath, and i begin walking.... up.........up.......up..........no break needed......... up ......up.........up.......... well i might need a break, but no .......up .........up............up........ just a few more ups.......... and Christina gave me a high five.... I DID IT. i was quite surprised how strong i felt, how much strength i kept even with a surgery mixed in the middle. so i had this brilliant Idea that we do what I call a figure 8 hike... so we continued on our way....... ended up on the trail down by the river, hike back up to the "Hill" and then re trace a few of our steps heading towards the river again...but take a sharp right onto another trail that takes us up to the second and highest level. now here is another hill, different as the last one, but just as deadly... this hill is shorter but VERY steep..... walking up this hill literally burns the muscles in your legs.... Chris headed before me....... i had to wait, take a deep breath..... and mentally face this.... i made it half way up..... stopped for only 15 seconds, and finished to the top.......... another success....... we hiked 4.5 miles yesterday morning..... and yes maybe my legs were like jello most of the day, but oh so worth it..... wonder if Christina will go with me again...
Today is a Johnny work out....... maybe church.......... but the rest of the day......... nothing....
I am feeling so good after my first adjustment/ and already on day 3 i notice my weight......flying off again... i'll officially post on Tuesday when i will next weigh in.
Have a beautiful day
this is the day that the Lord Hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
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