Saturday, November 15, 2008

so this is a computer

i just noticed that i didn't even get on the computer today..... and if i did yesterday, it was just for a moment! I worked today at 4:15am got home at 11 am, and the kids were ready to go to the mall. so........ off to the mall i went, came home......... and Katie wanted to go visit Paige, she got her the cutes little Penguin outfit....... came home again..... and started housework, and getting dinner i am going to my bedroom to dust sweep and change the sheets..........I want to have everything done this tomorrow i can just chill, it is supposed to be cold and rainy tomorrow........a good day to read a book in front of the fireplace, maybe watch an old movie.... oh and do laundry...... i gotta do laundry... Kim, what type of laundry do you do if you don't have the time...... the quick kind??? maybe I'll do that :0).
went walking yesterday, but did not get to the gym........ Friday was the one day of the month that just wouldn't work.......ummm without getting into detail.
well sitting here isn't going to get my bedroom cleaned........... so i should really really get going

1 comment:

Kim said...

LOL. Cheater laundry. Just enough to get me through for three of four days. I highly recommend it on those days when you simply cannot bear the thought of doing ALL of the laundry!

Love ya!