Did you ever run into someone and immediately know that they did NOT get out of bed on the "happy" side..... well this morning i met Christina to go for our hike. and well actually the second I looked at her, I truly felt that i was going to turn into Stone......... I am just sayin'..... I think the first words out of her mouth, with teeth clenched, picture this....... " IF I WASN'T GOING TO BE MEETING ANYONE TO WALK TODAY, I WOULD NOT HAVE COME!!!" again i am just sayin'. Chris obviously did not have a good nights sleep, but a nice brisk walk with me and Judy on a trail in the snow.......perfect mood stabilizer, ..... i just got off the phone with her...... and she sounds so happy, maybe it's seeing that grand baby of hers :0) oh Chris you know i love ya more than my lungage
So any how made more phone calls to prepare for my first appointment with Dr. Coucoulas next Monday..... tomorrow i will pick up all of my records that would pertain to my digestive system and all over health. time seems to be flying by....... and i am still chugging along. I know that i 've been working on this for over 5 months.......... But I don't think i can say it "clicked" yet....... i think you can only say that after a good year of good habits......... I am so happy and content though
i go to work tomorrow at the Methadone Clinic, my boss called she is so sick, and the other main nurse other than me is so sick....... hard to believe that i am still holding on from getting this....... better keep up on my probiotics, Vit C, and B vitamins....... drinking green tea, extra fluids, and getting rest.......... I really am feeling good..........
Well i better go finish supper, Bill will be home soon...... barbeque bacon meatloaf, scalloped potato's, and veggies. I'll have my small designated plate and fill it half with veggies, one fourth with meatloaf, and one fourth with fruit..... i'll skip the potato's....... and i will eat really really slow, with my teeth and all
why didnt you say anything about your wonderful daughter in this post? or any posts recently?
What? Sandi has a daughter?
Just kidding Katie. :big smoochies: to the princess.
I want to go for walk in the snow. I have boots now ya know? BTW it's in the 80's here.....
Patti if I could send you snow I would. I live right in between 2 snow belts. 1 hour either east or west and we hit the snow belts. Gotta love it. I keep telling myself that is.
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