Saturday, August 02, 2008

busy busy busy.....

i am looking forward to having tomorrow off! I've been working all week, had a busy week last weekend.... and started work on Monday. i have been very tired, and i am not sure if it is a mixture of being busy, adjusting my blood pressure medication, or a mixture of both. Bill has been working insanely Since July 12th, he hasn't had a day off, and this past week he worked both jobs, meaning he'd do his first job beginning at 4am, work all morning and then go to his main job. (he was helping out for the company as one of their employee's were going on vacation) He is taking Sunday off ....... therefore, I don't care if we lie on the couch and watch movies all day....... He and I are going to be together on Sunday :0)
Yesterday and Today I'll be babysitting (my second job)! this little boy is such a joy. Katie went with me to help last night, and to keep me company we took the little tike for a very long walk, and it felt good but it did remind me how out of shape that i am. i must say my muscles hurt this morning, but my knees seem to be okay....... so that is a good thing. Well it's early yet, i may go back to my bedroom and read a little, and just chill....
Love and Blessings to my Friends, have a great weekend

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