these poor pups, for months now people have been home, in and out. and since the past few days, school and practice for the boys, I've been gone all day as well as Bill and Katie.
This is where 2 of the 3 dogs usually are when we come home. I am pretty sure Louie will be on the living room couch he "uses" when nobody is home. I am tired, and I think i am going for a little nap. the day when great, and my appointment in Pittsburgh went great down another pound and a half i want to loose 1 to 2 pounds a week..... so i am smack dab in the middle.. well I'm not going to be long on here, but i want to say. I resolved to come home to a house not um "so organized" I walked in............. dishes done, laundry washed, living room picked up and swept, heck the counters in the kitchen were Cloroxed. I came home to boys that did this, and were still happy........... Remind me when i complain about the boys..... about this moment.
talk to you later,
Oh those poor, poor babies! Look how sad they are!! BTW, congrats on the pound and a half!! Good job! Love ya!
Hey, anytime the boys are looking for someplace else to clean you can send them my way.
1.5 :clap:
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