Thursday, July 31, 2008


" I can go sit in a garage all day and it won't make me a car,
So going and sitting in Church every Sunday isn't going to
make me a Christian"

quote by Joyce Meyer

Well another day here in the office, haven't seen anyone today except my daughter who, well let me say... i think she really really enjoys being around me. I was scheduled to work 3 days to do a certain task, well i did it in two days.... so today I sorta have to sit here and wait for a little boy to scrape his knee. We have ESL students ( English as a Second Language) from other countries right now. so when i do get someone, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out what is wrong with them (because of the language barrier). But let me tell you, they sure are cute...... lets face it. Children are UNIVERSAL, all beautiful and precious....... It's "adults" who seem to screw things up, it's adults who teach prejudice, and differences and superiority. ....

Oh so i guess that is why my blog title and colors have changed. I must be just a little bored. I want to keep in mind. that Melody is still very much a part of my journey.. and i just recently re-read her journal..... I still feel a connection, and I remember her often. and i remember my promise to her, that i must say i am working very hard at, And I look back on my life before i began the Journey of Melody's Mile.... and I've come a long way, I am more content with WHO i am than i have ever been. I've religiously been working on my health, i am not just talking losing weight, but I've had pap smears, and mammograms, and I am getting to the bottom of my many lung infections over the past 3 years......and actually I have not been "wheezing" since i think February. I AM going to give Melody her 10 mile hike.... I remember and pray for her family. and I pray that they find happiness while they wait to see Melody again...

Well I think i am going to find something to do.........surely there is something that I can organize or file..... or something.....


Anonymous said...

do you still have diarrhea? cya in a little. :)

Kellie said...

Love, Love,Love the quote! And the new title..Just sayin.

Kim said...

So, out of curiosity, how do you interpret that quote? Just askin' she saying that church isn't necessary or that it's not the only thing that we need? Or is there another interpretation?

Sandi said...

No translation neccessary it just means just because you go to Church does NOT automaticly make you a Christian. However..... there ARE cars parked in a garage. and there are Christians in the pews. a Garage is a GREAT place to park a Car, it helps to protect it from the "elements" And a Church is a great place for Christians to go to help protect and strengthen their relationship with God However.... Going to Church does not automaticly make you A Christian........That is all that I meant :0),

Sandi said...

I think she was talking about people that go to Church every Sunday.. yet treat their fellow man like crap.. or they think they are the "choose ones" that can put their Noses in the air at the unworthy humans walking this Earth. I think she meant so many people get wrapped up in "Church" they forget to get wrapped up in "Jesus" now i can push Post, didn't mean to post twice in a row, :0P

Kellie said...

That is how I took it. Just because you go to Church does not make you a Christian. I also believe that a "Church" aka "building" has nothing to do with the way you live your life or how good of a Christian you are. Now same goes with tithing... but that is another discusion all on its own.

Anonymous said...

I understand getting wrapped up in "church" and missing the point, but can you get wrapped up in Jesus without getting wrapped up in church?

just askin.


Anonymous said... all got me thinking. I know, I am being a pain, Sandi. You can delete any of my comments, if you want.

But, if good Christians aren't in church then is it any wonder why our churches are full of and run by bad Christians? Or could it be that the good Christians are just as bad as the bad Christians, just in a different way? I get the hypocrite argument all the time. But the truth is that everyone is a hypocrite. You are either a hypocrite because you go to church all the time so you think you are better than those who don't, or you are a hypocrite because you don't go to church all the time because of the hypocrites who do.

It's amazing to me that we'll put up with crap from people everywhere but church.

Nevertheless, I agree with Joyce (we're on a first name basis, ole Joyce and I). What makes a person a Christian is being declared not guilty because Jesus took the punishment and being launched into new life as He lives in you and you live by faith. It's not how good or bad you are or whose list of rules you follow. I am a sinner...period. And so is everyone else; in church or not.

And what better place is there for the person who thinks he/she is a Christian just because he/she goes to church when he/she isn't a Christian at all? Maybe eventually he/she will get it!

Ok...I'm done. I'll pass the plate now. You know us preachers. All we want is your money.

Just sayin' :-}

Kim said...

I love my brother! I'm just sayin'. That's what I wanted to say but didn't know how.