Yup I am sitting here in the office at Kiski Health Center today. working on files and paper work for the start of the coming school year. So it is quiet, don't think I'll be seeing anyone. which i must say, I sure could use some me time.
Summers seem so busy to me, I am always being a Taxi to the kids, or have an appointment to go to, whether it is me or one of the kids. this week is already packed full. I work Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at Kiski, I have a doctor appointment for myself as well as doctor appointments for 2 of my boys, oh and i have an appointment to take Andrew to begin his allergy shots. this isn't even taking into consideration the "taxi" trips to and from football practices for all of the boys, grocery shopping and other weekly errands.
Well the parties were a success, Megan and Micheal are the sweetest couple. and yesterdays party was a surprise to Chris' mom's husband. it went really nice too. I went down early in the morning on both days, and stayed until the "cow's came home" so to speak, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Christina would and has done this for me on several occasions. the night before i took 1 ultracet because my legs and feet were hurting so bad, I put 9000 steps on my pedometer walking on pavement most of the day. I am very sensitive to pain medicine, so i think i still felt groggy the next day..... or i got too tired... I remember going home, and Bill saying go lie down for a moment......... i think it was 6 or 7 pm........... i woke up when he left for work this morning....... didn't even get a shower in........ went back to sleep until almost 9am, gee 14 or 15 hours of sleep... must have needed it :0).
Oh and Cliff, Isn't a golden boy....... sorta like a "pretty boy" you know the stereo type, blonde hair blue eyes, quarterback of the high school football team, the Ken for Barbie????
Well i should get back to filing and organizing
Yep...that's me!
Just sayin'
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