minus the guy with the grey hair, that is my X-husband, these are the little souls that suck up my summer hours :0) and I wouldn't have it any other way. it seems i am forever having the kids friends over, or i am taking them to friends houses, summer football practice, swimming pools, going to endless foster care meetings. I am forever figuring out supper meals, and in between all of this i seem to fit in time just for Me, Bill is so good at making sure i have time for me. and i also make time for just me and Bill. And it works!!! Taking Andrew to a friends house last night, i was hit with memories of me at that age... me hanging out with my best friend, enjoying summer, no school, having one adventure after another..... the nostalgia of the smells and sounds of summer took me back 25 years for but a moment. yeah I'll never get that time back, but i can sure enjoy it through the eyes of my children, I can enjoy the care free times of youth, just by watching my children enjoy their carefree time of youth........ what a gift!!!
Was this pic taken at graduation or a Pens game? LOL
I think it's at the game and Katie was Photo Shopped in!
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