Monday, September 24, 2007

Dear Kim's Mom

Kim's mom, I just want to let you know that your daughter is corrupting me ever so slightly. I am trying really hard to behave myself when i am talking to her. But truly you must know how difficult that is. I must confess, I said a very "bad" word when i was imitating her and saying what i think she "would" say. So I don't know if that really counts!!! does it??? yeah your right, it counts. In all seriousness, your daughter is one of a kind, in a good way. and I am so glad that God saw it fit that we meet each other on a website. She speaks so highly of you and her dad, I feel like i know you guys already.

Now that I have Kim's mom taken care of, I can continue my blogging. I am now able to pin point the origin of my infection, It is my left ear. And let me tell you, it really really hurts. My eyes are still watery, my lungs still wheezy, my sinuses still clogged, my headache still there, and I am still tired. My husband feels, that with the fever, it is time I let my doctor know. I just really try to let my body fight the infection naturally. The problem is being so busy with Andrew, and coming down from the post stress of Andrews situation, and lack of sleep, and the increase of work days...... it's too much for my body to do all at once, which causes my resistance to go down lower, and can you see the vicious cycle here???

Bill and I are postponing our little Vacation for the end of October right now. we would have been gone most of the last week in October. Andrew is still up in the air, Doctors are confident that he will be much better by then. even so, if he has appointments that week, with Albert starting a new job, I need to be around to get him to and from these appointments.

The good news about that is, Now I may have the opportunity to go see Joyce Meyer and the Hillsong band in Hershey Pa. I would be gone Friday night until Sunday. Albert and Bill would be around for Andrew if necessary, and I would get some much needed me time. So I will pray about it? and see if it works out.

Andrew is doing okay, status quot. When he doesn't have to travel, he does much better. and actually for a little bit yesterday, I looked at him, and he seemed a little bit "clearer" if that even makes sense. by the end of the evening he was tired and had a headache starting to flair up.

I must figure out how to get to Curves 3 days this week. I am working today. so I will prob go tomorrow morning. Tuesday is my only day off, so that works, and Thursday I don't come to work until 2pm, so there is plenty of time to go to Curves. as well as Saturday morning. So i will put that on my schedule. just like all of my other appointments.

I think today I will plan on re-reading Melody's Journey. haven't done that in a month or so. On Friday it will be 9 months since she left this earth. time marches on, life marches on. and for her family i am sure sometimes it just stands still, and it seems like yesterday she left them. God Bless and be with them through this journey.

well I should call Christina and get a Christina fix before her day begins, she wasn't feeling well i hope today is better for her.

1 comment:

Patti Rambles On said...

Kim says bad words? LOL

Oh Sandi, if there is ANY way you can get to see Joyce Meyer, do it. She's amazing in person! 10 fold over T.V. The energy in the auditorium is indescribable.
Love you g/f.
I hope you feel better soon.