Andrew is doing well, He is feeling a little better, still gets mild headaches. But he is listening and not moving around much. After doing the research on Concussions yesterday........ The original concussion isn't nearly as serious as "Second Impact Syndrome". Days and sometimes weeks following a concussion if the brain is not completely healed.......a second hit, even mild, or a shake can actually lead to several brain bleeds and it has even caused death in a number of cases. :0(, That is why I have Andrew in his little cocoon called "home" He will venture out of this home for the first time on Tuesday when we head down to Pittsburgh to see the doctors.
As i said before, my home has this open door policy on it..... and Andrews friends know this now. yesterday many members of his football team came to hang with him for a few hours. These boys are big........and they eat A LOT! plates of meatloaf sandwiches, and plates of cookies and brownies disappeared rather quickly.
Out of all of my kids, Andrew is the child that has always been a little insecure about being liked.........let me tell you, this boy is loved...... so many people visiting in the past 2 days, so many people praying, so many people calling.... you can tell he is enjoying it.
Today is his birthday. He is sixteen years old. I spread the word that his friends are welcome to stop in today...... i am making roaster pan full of rigatoni's with sausage and meatballs. I think I'll have the fixings for sandwiches, and salads. and of course I'll make a cake for the birthday boy.,,,,,,,, ummmm I'll make two cakes for the birthday boy!
Tomorrow morning I'll prob go back to work for a few hours.
I am happy right now...... I was so overwhelmed for a few days........but now I am just happy. Gosh i love my kids
Well I've got a busy day i better get going.
If you need cake decorating help, I know two little boys who have experience in "sprinkles".
Happy Birthday Andrew.
Sandi may I suggest a revolving door. When you want some alone time you can get in and just keep going round and round.
Happy Birthday Andrew.
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