Friday, September 21, 2007

Anonymous, I do understand (in regards to your comment yesterday)

Anonymous I am okay with you being anonymous. If i may be honest, at first, after awhile, i started to "worry" as to why you were anonymous, and i racked my brain trying to figure out who you were. My blog has branched out in so many directions, Melody's family, my friends, an old website i used to be on, and so forth... So I've changed my mind who you were over and over again. Now I don't even think about it. Actually my friend Christina told me one day, that look at it, maybe, maybe it's just messages from God!!!! And that's a pretty neat way to think of it, No human face with the message, Yet like i said before, but many faces. When you posted several months ago, and your message hit home for my friend Kellie dealing with her son's illness, and in such a time of terrible stress hitting that family from all angles... Your comment to me, gave her peace. I don't NEED to know who you are, or where you are from, or what you do. I am glad that you are around!!! Because there are times when your comments bring me much peace also. Blessings to you!!!!

Okay in another note, Andrew has another appointment at Noon in Pittsburgh, I was not going to Curves this morning, cause there is just too much too do.......yeah right, reality, i wasn't going to go to Curves because i wanted to lie around in bed a little this AM before getting ready. I decided this morning, I will go get my workout, come home, shower, get ready for the doctor appointment, and later this afternoon, if i need to, I'll rest a little bit. Sandi Blystone, it is time to get REAL! and get my A** moving :0).

I'll post later after the appointment about Andrew.

this is the day the Lord hath made, I'll rejoice and be glad in It.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

I am praying for nothing but positive results from todays appt. Thinking of you all.