Friday, August 31, 2007


yup it is Friday, and I think that I am happy with that. although I think I am pretty busy :0). This morning I am going to try and "hit" Curves ; I've got grocery shopping, try and see if I can make the life of my friend a little easier, and a football game. Tomorrow is Megan's shower, This is Christina's future daughter in law... and she is so Sweet. Chris lucked out getting her.... So I am thinking that i can slow down sometime around Sundayish/Mondayish

Went to Curves yesterday.... i must say I truly enjoy going. sometimes early in the morning i think, nah, don't feel like going, and then when i drag Christina there, or she drags me there........ with in minutes, we are saying........." i am so glad that i came!!!" it takes 30 minutes of My time, there are no excuses, although I'll try my hardest to find them.

My dear sis Kim had a doctor appointment for her eye problems yesterday, I am really praying that God has his hand in all of this, and Knowing Kim, God is up to his elbows dealing with her!!! She is one of a kind that is for sure. I miss ya Kim.......... we gotta gotta gotta get together again.

Kiski is keeping me so busy, but alas i have 4 days off...... so this gives me some "catching" up time with the house and such. A mothers work is never finished. Although i worked full time at kiski these past couple of weeks, i am still a full time mom, and housewife, and cook, and laundry person, and taxi, and mediator, ........

Chris? are you going to Curves this am.........and are we going to do.... you know what??? call me when you read this or I'll call you at 7:30ish

make this weekend a good one........

1 comment:

Kim said...

Have you been talking to my Mom??

I miss you too. The last few weeks have been insane. It's so funny because I just read Patti's blog and she also has the "TGIF" in the title.

I will update my blog after supper and put the details of yesterdays appointment in it. All is as I expected it to be, but I did go to the appointment and get the ball rolling!

Love ya!