I am still not feeling great, I am okay, just sorta feel off center so to speak. my sinuses and ears are hurting, I am draining like a turned on faucet. I notice that i am wheezing more, and coughing. And if you look at past blogs, you can see the stressors are up and down. I am trying terribly to get it under control and put it in perspective. I keep thinking, gee Kellie would just about give her right arm to have my stressors. * her son is the one dealing with brain surgery and a lifetime of complications.* I know that this is wrong, but i sometimes get tired of doing the right thing.... i am tired of keeping my home open to needy people, i am tired of exercising, I am tired of eating right.... i am just tired. I truly feel that mental stress for long periods of time, are hard on the body... when you are under chronic stress, your body mechanisms work differently, and ultimately this causes a worn out body's resistance to drop......opening the door for all kinds of aches, pains, and infections. My brother and his family are still living here, and i don't see the end in site. My sister in law is wonderful, and she will be leaving soon...... and since the outburst i had with my brother several weeks ago, he has been great.... My home isn't my own, the family room we put in for the kids, is being taken over, that isn't fair to them, they are only going to be young once although he has provided dinner once or twice in the two months he has been here, and gave the occasional check.... nothing is consistent..... our electric bill and gas bill have doubled. i buy extra groceries, it's costing now almost 400.00 dollars a week just for groceries alone. yeah i have 3 sons who have tape worms in their digestive track right now, but i still cook dinner for my brother and his family daily. ... shame on me for complaining. I guess that I am just tired that is all. But something needs to be done soon. Donna my sister in law is one of the most wonderful people in the world. and i need to talk to her, I can talk to her about anything, and she doesn't get on the defense, my brother controls her, and actually this isn't her choosing, she wanted to stay where she lived, near her daughter and grandson. She may be able to get this straightened out.
well i got to go, Christina, call me if you read this...... if not, i just may catch you.. ummm, during your morning bathroom call :0)
In all of this, back to work now at Kiski, all the football starting with 3 sons and 3 different schedules, and school, I've GOT TO FIND TIME FOR ME!!!!
Well, when you do get any time for yourself, I'm dying to start walking again, especially now that the weather seems to be getting a little cooler. Plus, I miss you! Let's plan that girl's night that we've talking about...any evening you can get away from it all.
Sandi, my love, may I remind you of something? You don't have to be perfect. And just because someone else has problems that you see as being bigger than yours, does not mean that you do not have real, legitimate problems. We all have them. Even if our lives are basicaly good, we all walk through our share of valleys.
I think you don't want people to see you as a complainer. But having issues and trying to find ways to deal is not being a complainer. It's just life. We're not always happy. We're not always joyful. Even Jesus Himself had to find time to get away from it all and recuperate from the many pressures that He had on Him. So if He needed that, just think how much more we need it.
I love you! And I am going to say a special prayer for you and your family....and your extended family tonight.
Thanks Kim, I needed that lesson too!! Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to be the perfect this or that, when all we are is human. Sometimes something's gotta give!!
First off (((((Sandi))))) Hugs
Kim, you said it best. When you are a Super Woman you have to eventually learn to let go and let God. It may be one of the hardest things you will ever do is admit that you can not do it all (you should not have to) and be it all. Prioritize and learn it is OK to say no! Your sinuses may be a sign to slow down. Maybe you need to tell your brother that Mon-Wed-Fri he is responsible for making dinner. If he does not do it then you take your kids out to dinner or fix them something but just for your family. He has to plan it and buy the food for it as well. And so what if all he fixes is hot dogs and chips. ya know. We all love ya Sandi and you need to take steps to take care of YOU because you have amazing children and a extra amazing hubster who all depend on you. I mean depending on you not for what you can do for them (taking to practice or games and so on) but for being there emotionally, spiritually, morally and lovingly. We are all human and to be human is to be flawed.
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