Sunday, August 26, 2007

Headache Gone........ Stomach Ache here

Yes my sinuses have finally stopped hurting.... I was put on antibiotics and a Nasonex spray on Wednesday, And I must say if i thought my sinuses where draining before........ I lied, cause let me tell you.... they are draining now. I take antibiotics as last resort, but i realize that two + weeks with a sinus headache so bad that it made me dizzy, it was time for me to do something. ( thanks Christina for nagging me so much about calling the doctor) I am not too upset about the stomach ache, and discomfort. i realize the antibiotics alone can cause stomach discomfort. and i am sure the 2 gallons of nasal drainage a day can't help either...

I've been so busy, I am working here at Kiski prep almost daily.... ( i am here now) And my one day off yesterday i spent all day at my son's football weigh in and scrimmage... being out in the hot hot sun and humidity wore me out. so i spent the evening reading, and chilling.

Autumn can't come soon enough.... i am ready for the "real" football weather.

Everything came to a head with me and my brother last night. This morning, there has been great progress made. I must say I feel much better. And in my brothers defense, he didn't understand where i was coming from.....i was seething inside, and giving him the silent treatment so to speak........ I should have set it all out on the table when i was feeling so stressed. He's going to pay rent while he lives with us. and we reach many more agreements that i don't need to go into detail here. But, let's just say.... he feels truly bad that he has done this to me...... he even shed a tear. ( you have to know Doug is a tough a** and doesn't like to show his feelings.) I don't want to stereotype here, but sometimes i feel especially woman, let things bother them, and just assume that the male gender are going to figure it out. Let's face it, Men as a rule can't read feelings and emotions like women can. I can be with someone and in about one minute.... i can tell what kind of mood they are in.

School starts for my kiddo's tomorrow....... this is Sammy's first day in the high school. he's such a confident young man, he is not too worried.. My other 2 were basket cases the first day in high school. Sam just doesn't worry about that stuff. gosh i love my kids so much...... they truly are my ultimate joys and accomplishments in my life.

Well after work, finally taking the kids school shopping... nothing like waiting until the last minute.

It is hard to believe that Melody has been working from Heaven for 8 months on Tuesday. I am sure for her family it feels like yesterday..... i still pray for them often, such a light left the Earth and that family.....

I work again tomorrow here, but i think I will do Curves first in the morning.......get it in before my day begins, or i may not be able to fit it in later.

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