that sounds pretty good! I AM in need of a Kim day, let's try and figure it out. I'll call you, i really will with my phone number. I'll make Christina remind me :0).
I have had an "emotional" weekend. maybe it's hormonal, maybe I've got a lot on my plate, or maybe i am just plain crazy. I am so busy, and right now my life is not my own. I am fitting exercise in, but i have so many appointments to fit in with 4 kids getting ready for school and sports. I have one son left who needs his physical for sports, which is scheduled this week. and i have my second pap smear to do yet again because of abnormal cells from the last. . . . I still am scheduling my Curves, and am beginning to walk a couple miles here and there. Over all my "neighbor patient" has been doing pretty well. I was needed yesterday. so i guess that is pretty good.
I am "clashing" with my brother being here, i do love him, but you just gotta know what I am going through.... And i am trying so hard to get my "joy" back. but it's taking me a while.
Curves with Christina today I think, I'll pick you up at about 10 till 8 or i guess i could just say 7:50 am
I now need to go look at my schedule book this am and figure out exactly what i am doing this week. School is just around the corner...... please tell me, what happened to this summer???
I read this, this morning and thought maybe more than I could benefit from this gentle reminder:
"If the problem is a trial from God, you need to relax and trust God in it. Regardless of the source, none of your problems could happen without God's permission. Everything that happens in the life of a child of God is "Father-filtered", and he intends to use it for good.
Everything that God allows to happen in your life is permitted for one great, eternal purpose. It is for your growth and Gods glory, and it is a plan guaranteed to succeed."
Sandi, I know you already know these things, but sometimes its nice to reflect upon these words in order to remind us of the course we have been blessed to take and the glory we will rejoice in once we have passed through or very own desert called "life". No matter what you face know that:
"We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we are certainly going to go through the good times with him." Romans 8:17
Hope this helps a little and I will continue to pray for you and your brother.
PS...sorry to be so long winded. I try to keep it short and simple but, well you know how that goes sometimes when talking about the Father.
I missed your blog when I was on vacation! But I'm back now, and ready to take up some walking again. Call me and we'll figure something out, 'kay? Hope all is well with the fam (Hi, Katie!) I miss you guys!
Thank you "Anonymous" your quotes hit life right on for me today.
Sandy, Hellooooooooo we are doing ok, home and healing. Hope all goes well for you. Thanks for the prayers. I know with out prayer we would not be home right now.
I hope you don't mind I posted the quote above in my psycho ward blog along with my rant of the day and then I posted it in the care pages. That was the perfect thing for me to read today. Thank you
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