Sunday, August 12, 2007

48 hour headache

Wow........... never had a headache like this....... it started out Friday morning when i was just feeling tired.... by that evening, I couldn't even look at sunlight, or watch TV, or read.... and i was so nauseous. So i took a couple Ultracets, and went to bed. Got up early Sat morning, around 8am. but still had the headache so bad, that i couldn't focus..managed to do a little house work, and crawled back into bed at 10:30 or 11 am, and slept until 4pm, woke up so dizzy, couldn't even walk straight.... I threw up my dinner, and went back to bed. I don't know if this stems from sinuses or what? the pressure was behind my eyes and in my face. The nausea was, i think ,secondary from feeling so dizzy, maybe my inner ears are inflamed. who knows? This morning, not feeling as bad...... going to try and move a little more today... house has been staying in order..... kids have for a change been at their friends homes instead of their friends being at our home........ so it's been a quiet weekend!!! just what i needed.

I think Bill and I are heading to town this am...... so I'll see how i do..... I'll get on later and let you know if i survived headache 2007.


Patti Rambles On said...

Oh, that's awful Sandi.
If you have any peppermint or lavendar oil rub in into your temples. It works - trust me. I used to get migranes all the time. Cool wash cloth on your forehead and the back of your neck. You'll have to keep re-folding it because your body head will suck right into it. Cool dark room. And put a pill under you knees. I don't know why but elevating my legs usually helped.

Patti Rambles On said...

Okay, if a pill under your knees doesn't work try a pillow!
Damn typos.

Anonymous said...

Hey Patti, does the lavender or peppermint oil really work? Next time I get a headache, I'll have to try that. And, how do you keep your body head from sucking the cool out of those wash cloths?!?!(hee-hee)

Sorry, couldn't help myself. Can't always keep picking on Sandi.

Please feel free to pick on me anytime!!! All's fair!!

Kellie said...

Hope you are feeling better Sandi.

Anonymous said...

Shhhh, "whispering"...Get well soon.

Patti Rambles On said...

Oh pick away Christine! Yes lavender or peppermint oil really works.
I don't know how the cloth sucks the cool, but when you figure it out let me know, cuz it sucks the cool out of my pillow too. I'm always turning it to the cool side. Maybe I'm just a hot head!