I am sitting here and thinking....... there are so many aspects to this journey.. not only physical fitness, but mental wellness, spiritual wellness, and can i say dietary wellness.......is there such a phrase as "dietary wellness"? I don't care if there isn't, this is my blog, and i can say it if I want too. I am doing great in the physical fitness aspect, i am doing really well in the mental wellness aspect, although there are certain times in the month which my husband would disagree. I need to spend more time with God, and that is a forever goal.... when things go well, we tend to put Him on the back burner.... so i will have to work on that. now it is time for me to face the dietary aspect of my journey. as anything else, i am not going to have this perfected overnight...it is going to take time, trial and error. Today while talking with Christina........ It just hit me, that although I am eating better, i am still not being totally honest with myself or my body. I need to make accountable the foods I put into my mouth. So i eat a piece of chocolate cake.......just a bite or two, but since i AM standing up while i eat it, it must not count for much...... and if i do this every time i walk into the kitchen.... it still doesn't matter.... because i am eating while i am standing ........right??? So i don't feel like eating a good balanced lunch, i am just not hungry..... later I'll eat a few pringles, maybe a piece of string cheese...... and I'll call that a meal. Where is my lean protein? where are the veggies? where is a plate??? So I am not eating a lot, or maybe i am??? regardless, i think i need to chart it for a while, and see exactly where i stand, its time to take this step.... or take this step to the next level, And this will take some organization and planning on my part. So this weekend i will plan and organize, and on Monday i will implement. So we will see how this goes.
I am back to work today......it is really quiet here at Kiski Prep, i do love this place.. there is no stress here....... now it does get busy at times, but i have a wonderful boss who is very supportive, and that does make a difference.
Today i have free time, So i will read Melody's Journal..... I've got to keep her story/life fresh in my memory........ she is such an important part to this journey.... and I can't forget. every time i read her journal, i am still so amazed at her determination and faith.... God, Bless her family left behind....... there must be such a huge hole left in their hearts.... because i am sure she filled a big part of it. I pray for them daily.
I wear my charm bracelet/watch on my left arm... i am left handed, therefore i am reminded about my quest every time i move. i have all of my charms that i plan on wearing for a while:
so this is what i see:
MELODY'S MILE - to remind me of my promise to this angel to get myself healthier
BALD EAGLE - i am soaring with the eagle's now/ Isaiah 40/31 my favorite bible verse
HIKING CHARM - my favorite activity, and goal of 10 mile hike for/in honor of melody
I LOVE MY KIDS - my big reason to get healthy.... my kids are my greatest accomplishment
TURTLE - I love box turtles, i raise box turtles, and to remind me of slow and steady pace
I LOVE CURVES- ummmmmmm, that doesn't need an explanation
ANGEL - for my angel in heaven that is helping me....... Melody
I LOVE MY HUSBAND- he's so supportive of me, and what i do
HEART - to remind me that i am doing this for a healthy heart, more than a sexy body ( heart disease runs in my family)
So for now I am done buying charms, for this i think my husband is happy :0)
have a great weekend everyone.
Funny how my bad weigh in at curves made us both accountable for what we eat. Seriously, I think the food diary is the way to go. I seemed to forget alot of the things I ate last week until I actually thought about it. Or maybe it was you reminding me, either way, we don't start till Monday right?!!!!!
Hey Sandi! I'll probably end up calling you later, but I wanted to say that I applaud your determination and loyalty to your quest. It's so neat to hear someone talk about mind, body, and soul when it comes to weight loss. We are not just physical beings, although when trying to get healthier, we tend to focus only on the body. But I think that is exactly when we run the risk of turning it into just another diet.
very cool! Keep it up!
Love ya, sis!
ummm.. i don't think your done buying charms yet... do i see one that says "I LOVE MY DAUGHTER KATIE" no! you are not done until that is on there.. thank you very much. have a nice day. :)
Yeah Katie, I don't see one about the angel/devil that sweats every inch of the way with her on this journey either!.........hey Katie, don't forget about Tuesday, March 27th at 11:00 a.m. We gotta stick together on this......no excuses from her this time right?!!!!!
okay you guys......... i can't win. You both know that you are my angels on Earth.... and yes devils........and what's going on at 1100 on the 27th I forget
you didn't forget!
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