Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The great country music of Edger Allen Poe.....

don't even ask about the title....someone reading this understands. and to know it, actually will make me look really stupid :0)
So didn't go to Curves yesterday, BUT made it today, Thursday and sat morning are my plans. Girls staying at my house, hope you don't mind, but i will only be gone for less than an hour Sat morning...... but i gotta get my three in.
Yesterday i was feeling terrible....... that time of the month........and when i moved,........ i gushed... and i mean gushed........ so Curves was out of the question.
I am not paying as much attention to my eating.......and i do NEED to start working on that. it's not that i am eating a lot.......... i am not...... but i am skipping meals, and then eating the wrong foods.... so changes need to take place..........and that should be now....
melody.......... you remain my inspiration.......... to be half the person you are........means i have succeeded.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sandi,
I looked Edgar Allan Poe up on the internut, but my modium wasn't working. I think he's a famous country singer. Won lots of awards I hear!!
Luv ya like my luggage!!!!

Kim said...

Go to Curves! That'll give us time to rearrange the furniture!!
Love ya!!

Sandi said...

you know what kim.......... i am comfortable enough....to go to Curves while you are here....... you and Patti both know how important Melody's mile is to me