Tuesday, March 27, 2007

IT is Done.........

yeah, i did finally after all these years get my anual/decade woman check up done. I am scheduled to get a mamogram on April 12th, because i am going to be 40 soon. And for those who read Christina and Katies comment on yesterdays blog......... let me explain. Now in all honesty....... i was actually phobic about getting this appointment done.... i was up all night trying to figure out how to get out of it!!! Finally i just called the office, maybe they were over scheduled and would of liked me to reschedule>> not a chance, Katie must of contacted Christina, because Christina actually called the office to make sure i did not cancel!!! Chris even made sure that she drove.........so i couldn't back out.......... I was already thinking about the flat tire excuse........ or something if i drove myself.....

So Christina, Katie and Me........... all heading to the doctors.... i just didn't want to do this, i really didn't...... but i go .......and i get it done....... it really wasn't that bad..... I must admit though that Katie and Christina Did NOT have to give me a standing ovation when i walked out in the waiting room. with people all around.... there they are .......standing there and clapping..... even the doctor peeked her head out of the door to see it!!!! So now the world in Blairsville Pa knows that Sandi Blystone had her annual pap smear, 10 years late. So I'll get the results in a few days..... My uterus is mildly enlarged......... but normal for my age and having 3 babies.

What will be, will be...........i have no control.......... And now in all seriousness. I realize the importance of getting tested early......... it's the number one defense against many cancers.... And when i decided to do Melody's Mile............ it just didn't mean eating rice cakes and doing aerobics tapes.......... It is doing the whole picture......... i know i bring this up a lot........ but to do it right, you got to get the whole package healthy...... and that means regular check ups, and pap smears, and mammograms, and annual blood work. It means eating right, and walking........ it means laughing, it means doing resistance training ( curves), it means laughing, it means getting enough rest, and laughing more. It means friendship, and families, and God and prayer, and meditation, it mean thinking positive, being positive!! ..... it means so much more. And the sooner we realize our health and wellness is so much more than diet and exercise..... the healthier this world would be.

Katie, i am lucky to have you for my daughter.....we have such a good relationship..... but I'm not your "friend " yet.........Nope still your mother, your boss........ still have my rules ;0) And Chris i think you passed up my luggage......... yup i now love ya more than my luggage, you are making this journey so much fun and doable..... don't know what I'd do without you

I've laughed more these past few months that i have in a life time...... Melody, you must be working overtime in Heaven.


Anonymous said...

pasted up my luggage?

Sandi said...

okay....... okay.......... okay my word choices are ,well off, i meant to say passed you passed up my lungage silly girl

Anonymous said...

Hey,now that you fixed your spelling, no one will know what the heck we're talking about.
Don't worry, I'll tell them.

For those of you who might not have read the original blog, Sandi said I pasted up her luggage. How could I not love someone that makes me laugh as much as she does?!!!

p.s. She also fixed the word "phoebic" (hee hee)

Jeanine said...

Congratulations! One small step for womankind...one GIANT step for Sandi!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sandi, what were you thinking when you told me you misspelled luggage on your earlier post? I never would have noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out! (Thanks Katie)