I did go to Curves yesterday.........all by myself, it was busy there, but i don't mind. we are all there for one purpose, to get healthy, there are heavy ones and skinny ones, tall ones and short ones, old ones and young ones.... i am talking about ladies there. I feel comfortable.
well today was a Christina walking aerobics day......so i am at her house, being very nice to her I might add, and as we were about 1/2 way into the work out........ I start to moan, and sorta complain about how hard it was to keep up with the instructor, and how difficult the move was.... of course, Christiana tells me to slow down.........."she still worries about my funky heart" and i tell her, no Chris, this feels good. well then she tells me to ........."well then, quit B**ching, and just do it!!!. " Gotta just love friends like this... No more complaining from me...........nope, no more. :0) oh by the way..........my tachycardia is fewer and farther in between my workouts. and actually, i don't remember my last little attack. My heart has definitely benefited the most from my one month of working out. and that is a good thing.
Tomorrow is Curves.
Yikes!!! I had better be careful what I say from now on.....might end up in cyberspace!!
And no Sandy I'm not offended, you still have to take me out for dinner on Sunday!
Christina, aka "drill srgt."
I love you and am so proud of you! I now feel guilty if I don't exercise. I say, well Sandi can do it and she's got all those kids to look after!! All I have to do is step away from the computer!
10 days baby!
Love ya
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