Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Nursing home for the pets
Well i feel like i am a hospice nurse for my Pets, My dog louie was given to me by my brother, he was a rescue dog taken off of death row by a day. not sure how old he is. he was between 8 and 12, meaning now he's between 12 and 16. he has no teeth, blind, and his back hips give him a fit when he stands up or sits down. but he is happy and enjoying his life of wonderful food, rest and love. Katie and I have started to carry him up the steps into the house. he can do it, but it takes him so long and it takes alot out of him. Our Cat is 16 going on 17. this summer was a great time for her, exploring in our yard, catching a bird or two, warming herself with the sun's rays. she is getting very ill very fast, and has dropped tons of weight so quickly... i feel she is on her final days. I don't want to strart poking and prodding on such an old girl just to prolong her life by a few months. she is eating baked turkey and chicken, we picked up some Cat Milk that she loved, and Katie is hand feeding her.... the hard part is waiting and watching her get so skinny. Katie came into the bed this morning crying because she said the Cat is so bad, and she cant handle watching her.... Katie doesn't want her to suffer.. it is true this waiting is so hard, Do we put her to sleep and help her along...... or do we just wait for nature to take its course, gee these damn pets :0), well i've got a descision to make. I better go check on the pets now. have a good day.
Monday, November 21, 2011
The Plan
So i really sucked at logging my food, i start with good intentions and then i just crash with the intent. Soooooooo this week has a holiday in it, we are traveling a good distance, and i will be missing two regular gym days. that is certainly precurser to failure. what can I do? i can get extra exercise in while i am away. I can document everything i eat to be more aware. I can take walks while i am at my sister in laws, and i can keep active with my fitbit. So that is the plan, and i can only give it my best shot. Today is a busy day~ helping my daughter out by getting the little girl she babysits for to school, then to the gym, then i am going to see Breaking Dawn with my friends from work. Tomorrow i plan on working for as long as it takes as i will not be there until the next tuesday. Have a wonderful and Blessed day!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
really not liking slow days two days in a row, where my fitbit stats were "slow". Not much to do when i have a desk job, although i must say i have the most flexible "desk" job in the world. and i am in a building with many steps, I guess nothing is stopping me to take 15 minutes to just climb up and down steps! paperwork was piled up, and i just had a tough time fitting it in. And yet again i did not blog my food..... had all the good intentions.... and the site really makes it easy. I still feel if i concentrate on the food diary, and increased cardio the weight would start to come off again. scale isn't showing things.. but people keep saying that i am losing... Next week i will be traveling again. and will miss the gym. i am actually cutting the trip short because i do not want to miss tons of days at the gym!!! speaking of which, today is a gym day, and i MUST get in at least 30 minutes of Cardio, plus the workout with Rudy plus shower and get ready for work...... long day.
So my goal today....... get my Activity numbers up, and document my food.......
Monday, November 14, 2011
--->>> Energy <<<---
I am determined to believe that I am "feeling" more heat because i have truly increased my Cardio. I have been doing perfect with the weight training. So i will talk with my trainer today, i mean he has been "encouraging" me to pick up the Cardio, I love being outside hiking, and power walking. But indoors, it just takes so much to get on the "wheel", yeah, i feel like a little hamster running on the wheel to no where!!!
yesterday after getting back from shopping and cleaning my office, I would have normally sat down and chilled and napped. however... i decided to go on a hike at my local spot. Bill went with me, and you can tell it wasn't where he wanted to be! I felt good doing it. It looked like Winter, the leaves bare. i am definately more incouraged working out because of the fitbit. And after getting my first complete report (yes i ordered the premium :) the benchmark shows that in the Activity department compaired to all the 44ish year old obese females My Activity Level is in the 99th percentile., and 78th percentile including all women in my age bracket all body sizes. and i stay in 78th percentile when i chose females all ages all sizes....... damn that is good :-) and i am proud. i am still a big girl...... and i feel and move like a young woman. i truly feel better physically now than i did in my twenties.... today is a gym day. and i will get to work early to do at least 30 minutes of intense Cardio before i work out......this will keep my heart rate kicking way beyond the work out.
have a great day folks
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Road trip/ back on track
well got back from a 4 day road trip this past week. left on Thursday at 8 pm and drove through the night... it was great going with Chris, and i adore Megan and the kids, i must say the kids were absolutely perfect. And Chris is like the best road trip driver ever. i must say i didn't keep track on eating like i should, BUT i really did try and stay active...... more than i ever do. i think it is the fitbit. i wanted to come back and show alot of activity.... i mean on friday. i went outside with Megans two little nephews and ran up and down a steep hill pulling them in a wagon......... several times. went walking every chance i got. my kids think i am nuts.... for instance yesterday evening i reviewed my stats on fitbit..... and i was short several flights of stairs, and steps...... so at 10 pm there i am running up and down my flight of stairs....ten times........ and then i march in place and pace rather quickly to get 3000 steps in before days end. well back to the gym today........... :0). so i should get going so i have time to use the eliptical. Have an awesome day.
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
okay i am on the third week using my new "gadget" and the food journal is the easiest that i have used yet, and the pedometer seems to be quite accurate.... the graph that shows my activity level is spot on. I love to visually see when i've been working out, or sitting there and watching TV. Today at 7:30pm i noticed that i didn 't make my 10,000 step goal............ so what do i do? i start jogging/ walking in took a freakin 40 minutes to get past the 10,000 steps... i had 5,000 steps to do. Now would I have done that with out my Fitbit, honestly I don't think so. I have a goal to log my food for 7 consecutive day's and that will enclude a roadtrip to Alabama, with an infant and a preschooler. I am not focusing on what i am eating this week, just focusing on every bite i take, i'll start tweeking next week. Well i am watching the biggest loser, so i don't want to make this long..... have a blessed day
Monday, October 31, 2011
The Gym
so i have been VERY faithful going to the gym to work with my trainer for 8 months. and although i don't always love it, I go, Saturday mornings when i would love to sleep in I am up and out of the house by 7:30 am. Thursdays when i could be at home getting things accomplished before my long work day........ i leave the house early in morning go to Gym, shower there and go straight to work. for instance, today is my only day off before i leave for Alabama, but i am going to the gym this morning. I may not always pay attention to my food diary.... BUT i don't miss a workout.
I just don't want to miss a workout with Rudy! oh i tell him several times during our session that I hate him, but he seems to understand, and actually looks forward to getting me to say it. But i also would like him to know how much I appriciate him, how much I appricate his willingness to work with my schedule so i get three workouts in. How i appriciate his always being there and not cancelling on me. I appriciate he makes it affordable or i just wouldn't be able to go as often. I truly feel that I may have given up long ago, if i wasn't "forced to meet him at the gym. I don't have to figure out what machine works what body part, or if I did legs or upper body last. or what exercises work well together, he does that all for me. So Rudy, i just want to Thank You!!!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Making the best out of it
well we had made plans to go to Gettysburg for the weekend, complete with a Ghost tour, and dinner at the Historical Tavern the Dobbin House. Bills sister from South Carolina had also planned to go with Us.... well the weather put a little nitch in the plans, BUT i must say it was a beautiful day. Workout with Rudy, and then home to enjoy the fireplace, Holiday soup and my family. Right now i think i have 7 teenage boys here well a few 20 year olds too. Bill is sleeping and i just came into my bedroom to get some peace :-). No matter what I must have done something right, Kid still like hanging here, and i will enjoy every second as i do realize that before i know it, another "season" will hit my life and the kids will have lives of their own. I am really hoping to get a hike in tomorrow even if it's my local trail at Conemaugh. and I HAVE to start keeping track of my food to make sure i am not eating too much or too little..... i'd like to start this tomorrow.........
Have a blessed day
Have a blessed day
Friday, October 28, 2011
I am learning..........
Poor Patti, i really should start to blog again, it was theraputic for me, and it kept my friends updated on my life. I guess facebook is just quicker to jot down little nibs of my life. however i have been blogging for so long...... maybe i should start again. of course i had to change the look and the Blog Title. . . . As i get older, i am learning to do just what my title say's ...... I am enjoying the journey, oh the journey isn't always smooth and easy. but every moment in my life matters...... even the not so good days, i am learning to play in the rain, i have learned to not get crazy cleaning the house when company comes. i am learning that it is okay to have a bad day. I am learning that i don't have to please everyone. I am learning belonging to a church, doesn't make me closer to God, as i am finding out that I just couldn't be closer to Him out on the trails. I am learning that we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. and if i want to be known for my strengths, i am sure everyone else does too. i am learning that those really grumpy people that i run into, are really hurting and it isn't personal. I am learning to draw strength from my trials and tribulations, instead of letting my trials and tribulations pull the strength from me. I love my age, i love being 44 i don't wish to be younger, nor do i wish to be older. i just know that I love my life at this very moment. I will try and make an honest effort to blog again, not just for Patti, but for me....... so we shall see....... enjoy your very own Journey
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
two hikes, it's been awhile
it's been a while since i've been out hiking with Christina, so i guess today we did two, before 11'oclock!! it was good to get out there, hoping to go tomorrow morning before work. thursday is the gym, friday is going to be busy... going to Pittsburgh for my Lapband appointment, taking Katie, Chris and Jeanine out for Lunch, and stopping at REI for a new pair of sunglasses. Saturday is a gym day again, and Sunday is the Long hike for me and Bill, think we are doing an 8 mile hike that ends with a climb up a fire tower. they say the view is spectacular....... hmmm, maybe my camera will work... if not i'll take my old kodak.. haven't decided if i will get a lapband fill or not? I need to make sure i am getting enough calories to stay healthy with working out this much/ it is going on 18 months without any adjustments. I will keep you posted on what my decision is.
Have a wonderful day today......
Friday, June 17, 2011
Drop SIX..........
yup the other night at WW i dropped 6 lbs, or i should say 5.8 lbs....... i've been plugging away, and not giving up. in the past 5 weeks i've dropped 14.4 lbs... so i assume that my body will hold on for a few weeks, and i will continue to eat right, continue to work out and continue to do my Cardio Hike and not focus on the number...... i've been doing this for 4 years, so why stop now :0). I just know that i promised my Angel Melody and never looked back :0) and have enjoyed the entire wonderful journey.
i'll chat more later, have a very very busy week-end, a graduation party, a birthday party, a training with Rudy, and a Hike.... plus it is my weekend to clean the building........
and i am still happy :0).
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Check UP
so it has been over 2 years since i last went to my family doctor, I've had apt with the doc that did the lap band but that is it....... gee i remember 4 years ago, going to my doctor on an almost weekly basis being so sick with stomach and lung issues.......... wow, a life time ago!!! Everything is good, and i had my labs drawn, so i should hear back soon. I had told them that i was fasting..... but just before they took my blood, i remembered that i drank a 1/2 cup of coffee with one serving of flavored creamer. Bill has been bringing me my coffee in bed since I started try drinking it 6 years ago. (one cup a day) that was at 530, and blood was drawn at 930. they took the blood anyhow, and they don't "think" it will affect my Cholesterol numbers, or my fasting glucose........ we shall see. lately i noticed that when i stand up quickly that i get dizzy.... and then i recover, either i am experiencing orthostatic hypo-tension, or maybe i am not drinking enough fluids in comparison to my working out. I will keep an eye on my blood pressure, and although i take just 1/4 th of the dose i used to take for my blood pressure, i may be coming to the point that i don't need that either. today i plan on going for a power walk/hike for about 4 miles, and tonight is weight watchers. tomorrow is the gym..... and this weekend is going to be so busy, with graduation party, birthday party, a work out with Rudy, and a hike, plus i have to clean the office this week.......... gee.......... weekend is looking busier than the week days.
make it a great one folks
Saturday, June 11, 2011
working out with a trainer.... is sooooooooo difficult sometimes. The better shape i am getting in, the harder he seems to train me, He told me today that he knows no matter what he throws at me, i will do it.......... he is right. however 6 hours later and my arms still feel like spaghetti.
Tomorrow morning early, Bill and I are heading out for one of our hikes, we missed two weeks in a row, so i am looking forward to getting back into it.
eating wise i am doing pretty good, i have to be careful not to over eat, as my appetite greatly increases when i am working my body so hard.
hope to post a few pictures tomorrow,........ it is supposed to be nice weather.
Love the life that God gave you!!!
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
3 days a week
for the last 6 weeks i was working out with a trainer twice a week. last week i started 3 days a week. . . . and even though the scale is slow, i do notice my tone has greatly improved on such a short time, and pants that I could not pull up to about 2 inch above my knees, after just a loss of just 11 lbs lately, i can pull them up and button them ( breathing is optional, and overrated anyhow) I am so strong and feel so good. sadly the last two weeks I haven't had time to get in hiking, as every available free moment I've had went to helping Bill get his mom to transition from living alone to moving to an assisted living personal care home. Luckily though her home is right next to the "ghost town trail" so I can bike 10 miles, then visit Gerry :0). Bill and I are also planning our hike for Sunday, like we started doing every weekend before all this happened with his mother. It is so great being married to a spouse that has the same likes and goals, we are having a blast at the gym and hiking.
Oh PS Weds evening are my anything meal, wonder what Bill will bring me home, he always brings home something yummy for dinner and a dessert.......... so i have something to look forward to.
Have a wonderful day
Monday, June 06, 2011
Patti does it
so why can't I??? Patti has still been a faithful blogger after all these years........... so why am i so NOT!??? well for one i think i need to start and try and make it a habit.... the other thing is i am just used to doing a quickie on facebook. I have to remember Blogging has gotten me through a very wonderful, and sometimes painful journey. not going to make any promises.... but i think i will try and blog more often......... we shall see
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Well I did say that I was going to blog regularly, what happened with that? I have been keeping my facebook up to date with short little snippets. Last week was the first time in a long time that i was really frustrated :0( , because the week before i did power hiking, pushed myself to make it cardio, moving my butt up those hills . i had over 18 miles in, I did two resistance training work outs and did not come near my required allowance of WW points....... and i gained .6 lbs. Normally i could look back and say well i didn't do this, or I ate that without counting it. but this time it was not the case.. I was just ready to say HECK with it.... i was pretty down. oh it took my a few days to pout, but then i really looked at what went on....... I worked out a huge amount, and ate even less. My body cannot do that, it is just hard for me to understand that. I know that i have a stubborn metabolism, inherited, however that does not mean that I cannot lose weight. 6 out of my 7 siblings have the same problem, and who knows if my one brother the only one without a weight issue does because he has been a personal trainer for almost 25 years and hasn't stepped out of the gym yet to see. So this week was more realistic, hiked about 12 miles, still giving it all i got on those dang hills, 2 resistance work outs and one tai chi workout. I came close to eating ALL of my recommended calories. and lost 1.6 lbs this week. I am really determined to break through this very comfortable weight that i am at. I still have about 70 to go. it is human to have little bumps in the road like i had the week before. but with God's Grace i do not have to make it a major mountain..... i just walked right around that 'bump' in the road and went on my merry way. So again just maybe, just maybe i will try to blog even a sentence or two daily just to keep this journey focused...... cause i feel in my heart..... the second part of this weightloss journey is getting close. I just thank God that i haven't ever given up, and have been plugging away for over 3 years. and i never gained that old weight back...... just sorta staying right here playing with about 6 lbs, up down up down up down up down.... OH and ps i am so loving my Weight Watchers meetings. and it is working well with my lapband Have a wonderful day, and i'll try to check in tomorrow
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
I need to ...... a little more often :0). Things are going well for me as i am so content with my life. I am content at work i do not mind going, and when i am at work i am content coming home as i enjoy being here too! what more could i truly want in my life. The kids are growing up so quickly. Sammy has his permit to drive. Katie and Drew have adjusted to college life just fine, and actually Katie is missing it during this week of school break. Thank goodness she went to visit her Aunt Gail and cousins in Oregon. this is the first that she has been there since her Cousin Alex was killed three years ago. I truly think this will be a good thing for her, an act of closure so to speak. Katie always had a special bond with Alex although he moved there when they were five. He was her first best friend.
Well, winter is getting weaker, and Spring seems to be picking up strength, the sounds, the smell, the feel is definitely spring. I don't mind either so it is all good. but this does make beautiful hiking weather, and i am looking forward to getting out on my bike soon. I continue to enjoy my WW meetings, its a good thing to add that accountability as my time is dwindling down for the Pittsburgh study. I did make an appointment for my lapband as it has been over a year and a half since i've had an adjustment. it is also a year an a half since i've had a major weight loss jump. in the last three years i have never really increased my weight, and i feel so awesome. I dropped a bunch of weight and then it's like my body got happy at this weight and is being stubborn so to speak. most of the time this does not bum me out, as i cannot put a time frame on Life. and i am living... learning...... growing.......
Well i should get going, i have to get ready to go and babysit. i babysit a little girl on Monday's and Tuesdays. work the office weds, Thurs, Fri . and usually clean the office Sat or Sunday.... i do miss having a day off to go on a long hike, or a day off just to be at home.... but, before i know it June will be here. and my babysitting job will be gone.... i don't want to rush time, so i won't complain.
have a great day,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I am in love..........

I have been so busy, but Bill and I managed to get a long weekend in for Valentines Day. we have such a good time together. just hanging out. or whatever. I am not into flowers, and jewelry and gifts especially for Valentine's day. I enjoyed walking the streets of Gettysburg, and driving through the battle field. splurging on some gourmet ice cream and a dark chocolate covered strawberry. a nice dinner at the Historic Dobbin House............. it was a great weekend.
i am very tired tonight, and had a very long day at work and not really in focus, so i will make this short and sweet. Good night and God Bless
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Winter in Black and White

I am learning that i do not have to go on a day hike everyday, or even a two hour hike...... i can make it 40 minutes and make it intense for a great workout. I love hiking in the winter, the air is so fresh, the silence is so loud, it wakens every cell in my body and i feel so good.
I have been so busy lately, and i do not get many days off. babysitting two days isn't difficult but it does take my time. and working at S'eclairer has absolutely no stress, but i do spend many hours there. and even the one day i clean, isn't hard and once i go and do it, i think that it really is an easy job too. it's just know that it is something i have to do, and making up my mind to go and do it is the issue.
Health wise, i am doing really well, and hoping that the combination Lapband and Weight Watchers will help me break this very long and healthy plateau. for instance this is how my Lapband helped on Thursday. A drug rep from work on Thursday brought in Chinese food for Us, she called ahead and new about the healthy options, so i measured out the chicken and broccoli and a 1/4 th serving of Veg Lo mien and i accounted for the points. i ate it slowly and it was wonderful........ BUT then i got a little piggish and went out and "picked at " a few more bites. my lapband would not allow that, and i was reminded to stop eating........ sadly it did get stuck and i did have to make a trip to the restroom, to "lose" the food that i tried to over eat.
This journey is still so much fun for me, and it's going on 4 years, and i am still not bored yet, i am forever trying to find ways to stay motivated, supported and accountable.
Kids have been here all weekend, along with their friends, i am loving that. and i love that they want to be here..... so much peace!!! and the kids feel it too.
I was able to talk to my Dear Friend Patti from AZ. this weekend, that was a bonus. actually i was speaking with her just before i went and during the first part of the hike. it was funny because i noticed i was able to talk with her quite well during my first hill, and then i looked over at my husband who came with me, he was out of breath....... i had spring to my step, this has been the first time in our marriage that i am stronger and in better shape than him, i teased him. he laughed... he's a great guy, he said he'll start walking with me when Chris can't. it was icy, and coming down the very steep what is known as "bitch hill", i slipped and fell, or i should say i slipped, did a split and fell, i bounced right back up. Bill was worried, but i must say i was proud. here i am, almost 44 years old, still have 75 more pounds to lose .. and i was able to get up off that ice like i was a teenager. no bruising, no pain, nothing... :0). well it is time for me to get my butt moving and figure out what i am going to make for dinner tonight.
Have a wonderful week.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
7.5 lbs in two weeks :0)
As i've mentioned before, I am almost done with the 3 year study in Pittsburgh. I will still have two more visits annually to check things. So i decided to join WW with Christina, because we all know the buddy system is a great support. And i miss the weekly and bi weekly support i was getting when i was in the Lapband study. Another good thing is Wednesday meetings are about 3 miles away from my work, so i leave work and go there. so it isn't like i am home and need to build up to leave for the meetings. Finally WW isn't just about calories, they realize that the body metabolizes different foods in different ways. 2 oz of Chicken breast causes a change reaction in the body far different than a 2 oz piece of chocolate cake. Some faithful weight watchers are upset because now the "junk" food uses more value points, and healthier foods have less points. I really like the concept. I also enjoy the WW etools, i was used to CK, and my WW is easier. however in CK defense, haven't been on it in 1/2 of a decade, so things can change.
Regardless, i've lost 7.5 lbs in 2 weeks, and knowing that i go back next Weds, it keeps me on program. Still in the honeymoon phase of WW, so we shall see. I am loving how the lapband works with me, and how it also is helping me control portion sizes.
I am busy, but not in a stressful way. monday and tuesdays i watch a little girl. weds, thurs, fri i work the office sometimes 10 hr days. and sat or sun i clean the office. Sam is back in school Katie and Drew are back in college. NOW To get Bill back to work after his surgery. he is doing great though, i just miss having some mornings to myself :0). next week it should be light enough that when i take Sammy to school (mon, wed, fri) i will go directly to the track or the trail and do a brisk 30 minute walk at the very least. I am reminded i don't need to do the two hour hikes everyday to seek physical benifit.
Well i am going to get going, i'll try to keep up with the blogging.
Thursday, January 06, 2011
And what Has been going on in my life???
I didn't make any New Years resolutions, but i would like to continue on the same journey. In 2010, i had three goals hike 10 miles, bike to work, and kayak. well I biked to work, i was able to kayak again. and i was able to do several 6-8 mile walks. my foot issue kept me from doing the 1o mile hike in October. so hopefully this year i can give Melody that 10 mile hike :0). She is in no hurry. there were times that I biked more than 20 miles, .... I am sure I can get the weight moving again....... seemed to lose a little and then plateau for a long time, lose a little, then plateau for a long time. In the past year i have learned to not focus on the number. and that has been a huge "weight" lifted off my shoulder *pun intended. I am happy with who i am, but MOST importantly i am feeling so damn good. this coming year Bill is supposed to get a bike so i hope to do more biking in 2011, i'd like to hike different trails in 2011, I'd like to be more understanding of people in 2011, and less judgmental.
Oh and one last thing, I am buddying up with my Bestest friend Christina and joined Weight Watchers with her again. as my support down in Pittsburgh is decreasing and will be completed this year. i am missing the one on one counseling. I have been so used to Calorie King website i was so surprised at the WW online tool sight.... it is amazing, fast and easy. Since WW has changed this year to follow more the plan that my dietitian from Pittsburgh put me on. I find this a good choice. somebody asked me that why would i do that since i have the "lapband"? and I am not sure how to answer this. as i've always thought of the lapband being a tool and not a fix (cure) I've had the free support from the Pittsburgh Study for 3 going on 4 years. I still have to watch what i eat, how much i eat, when i eat...... the Lapband isn't magic. The Lapband is the greatest thing i've done and i can't imagine not having the support it gives me. I will never be able to binge on a meal like i used to..... it just won't allow me.
I am still incredibly content with my job. speaking of which i must get my butt in gear because i do have to work today. well here is a brief update......... have a blessed day
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