Tuesday, May 20, 2008

will someone tell Pennsylvania about Global Warming Please..........

it has been so cold here in Pa as of late, and a lot of rain too! It is almost June and nights are still going into the 30's, and we seem to be having a tough time hitting 60 for the high.
Now Summer is my worst season, and I hate the heat so I am not complaining too much. Actually I've been too busy working to enjoy the weather one way or the other. Today i babysit in the morning and work at Kiski in the afternoon. Yesterday i was so tired, I came home and crashed.
Andrew has surgery tomorrow to open up the passage way in his nose. He is going to be miserable for a day or two, but i don't think it is going to be as bad as his last nasal surgery.
Katie graduates in a couple weeks, my first to graduate, I know if i blink again the others will follow very quickly, that is how fast time seems to fly right now.
Patti will be here soon........yeah, I am so excited. She is so down to earth, yeah she may like shoes, and pedicures, and shoes, and her nails done, and shoes. She can be comfortable in a Ritz Carlton, or she can be comfortable in a Country Home in Pa. I can be just Me, and i know that is cool too. I don't know i am just excited about seeing her, and i am not fretting about everything being "just so"... maybe i am growing up and learning about what life really is about....... it's about friendships, and laughter, hot tea, and sappy movies, and maybe we will throw in some good food too . Oh Patti and you are coming on the infamous Historical Saltsburg Canal Days. it is so tiny and quaint, with Crafts, and Antiques, and Food and kids, and music and fireworks......... Kimmie is hoping we get our fill of quaintness there, cause she just can't see staring at Amish folks for an entire day yet again :0)....
Well I should get going soon, I've got a long day. Make it a good one folks


Patti Rambles On said...

Did someone mention shoes?!?!
Oh I'm so excited!!!!!
Canal Days sounds like my kind of fun. I'm really looking forward to spending time with my GG's.
Love you g/f.

Kim said...

It's not that I don't like the Amish. I really like their shops and food.:>) I just do not get people's fascination with them. I mean, seriously, they could have all of the modern conveniences and they choose not to. How messed up is that? I could not be married to a man if he would not provide me with a place to fire up the old blowdryer every morning!

Maybe it's because Laura Ingalls is their favorite Bible character, too.

I am so sorry. I really tried to resist. It's out of my control.....