If Dad were still alive, he'd have been 67 years old on Friday! he died 14 years ago on January 4th 2004 During one of the worst snow storms that I remember. it was so hard to get to Mom, many of the roads were closed..... Dad died right after work, we couldn't even get to the hospital where dad's body was, thankfully my brother Chris lives near the hospital and he could get there. Dad had such a hard life, a very abusive mother, who when he was 8 years old,left him home for weeks at a time while she went out "catting" around. And when she didn't leave him at home, she'd take him with her to all of the local bars, Dad became an alcoholic before he was 18 years old. To make a very long story short, He and Mom were childhood sweethearts, married at 17 year of age, 8 children later. Mom the rock, Dad the alcoholic! in 1982 dad gave his life over to Jesus..... and immediate changes took place..... dad stopped drinking and smoking, he started traveling from church to church, prison to prison, from half way houses, and homes filled with troubled boys. talking about alcoholism, and how God changed his life. Mom and Dad had 12 wonderful years together, without the demons of alcohol and abuse! My mom and dad were made for each other, even before he was saved, and even through it all. they stood by each other, i always remembered them sitting on the couch and holding hands, My mom ALWAYS greeted dad with a hug and kiss..... after he was saved, it became even "gushier".!!! but through it all, my dad , never missed a day of work, he never missed a football game, or a softball game, or a choral concert.... and i must say that I was daddy's girl, actually i still AM daddy's girl. And when i had Katie, oh my, what can I even say..... Dad adored her and spoiled her something terrible. Katie was 4 when Dad died, but even she remembers, from the time she could walk.........every Saturday morning was her and "Pappy" day. they'd go to McDonald's for breakfast, and then hit a toy warehouse, or a pet parade, or a local park....... Andrew was two when Pap died, and Sam was conceived right after Pappy died, I've always thought that maybe dad picked out angel Sam and asked God to send him to us, (Sammy was born about a week before the 1 year anniversary death of dad)... I know he is up in Heaven, and I know that God allows him to peak in on us every now and then. I am pretty sure, that He and Mom are pretty good friends there too. I miss him so much, and his life was a Miracle it truly was. I wish i had the words and the time to explain it....... but i can't. Daddy, I love you! You would be thrilled with Bill, and the kids you've got to be so proud of....esp your little princess Katie, you know, i think that maybe you had something to do with the beginnings......of the "princess" thing! but that is okay. She is turning out to be a pretty "cool" young woman. Give mom a hug from me, and tell her I send my love......
good night
Beautiful! But please remember "Angel Sam" next time he messes up your perfectly made bed.
I'm just sayin'....
That was a beautiful tribute. You know how much I love your Mom & Dad. But, you also know that I can't let go the fact that 14 years ago wasn't 2004!.....Just saying! :o)
Here I am with tears sneaking out the corners of my eyes and then...
i have read and read and re-read and for the life of me I can't seem to find the 2004 ;^), *wink any where in my blog
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