Let me begin with, Andrew did very very well with his nasal surgery, they re-broke his nose in two places, put it in proper alignment, and removed tissue to enlarge the nasal passageways. He Did very well, and i am quite please with the doctor! He has very little if any bleeding at all. he is growing up :( , this is the first time one of my children didn't stay in my room after a serious illness or post surgery. I checked on him once through the night. and Bill checked him early in the morning. He is dealing with his pain like he says "a soldier"!!! I take him tomorrow morning to get the packing removed. The doctor says he'll feel much better after that.
Katie is with Drew while i am here at work. I originally requested today off too. but there was no one to work. So i am here until 9pm. I've been busy with paper work and such, but not many students right now. However i must say it is taking me a long time to write this, I keep getting interrupted. I hate when people think i am working when i am here at Kiski :0), *i am joking of course.
Bill is so sweet, and I think i need to appreciate him more. it isn't right that the people we love the most we tend to take for granted. *lecture from Christina and Drew this week. My kids have always loved Bill but i think recently they've gained a new respect for him. They see how he treats their Daddy. if you remember, Bill helped get Albert(my X husband) a job working with him. and I must say Bill is so good to Albert too. Yesterday was a nice reminder how things work with Us. Bill made sure Al could get off without any problems, Albert came up at to wait with me at the hospital with Drew, and then Al's parents came, and then Bill came. Drew had a private room so we were all allowed to hang there. You could not walk in and know that there was the father, and stepfather sitting side by side chatting away. When my kids become adults....... they will KNOW, and Appreciate the life we gave them. Any other man other than the man God choose for me might not have kept things going so smoothly........ gee, I guess God DOES know what he is doing :0).
Kim's brother Cliff http://faithrevolution.com/ had a really good "writing" on his blog , hard to believe this is the same Man that posted the short bus picture. But since i read his blog.... i keep singing the song "the touch of the Masters hand in my head ......and you just gotta understand, i don't have much room in my head right now to have a song play over and over and over again.
I am in the process of beginning several doctor appointments and such down in Pittsburgh to deal with my stomach and Lungs :0) We will find out once and for all if I have Asthma, Many of the pulmonary tests require you to be healthy, and not have lung issues at time of testing. it has been 3 years in a row that i ended up sick enough to be hospitalized... i do not want to repeat that again.
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