Let me begin my blog this morning with this photo of my nephew just a few day's after the doctors were worried he was going to die.......... the progress Mike is making is nothing short of a Miracle. God must have plans for this family. After they took the ventilation tube out of Mikes throat, he began improving at such a fast pace, even the Doctors and Staff have been so surprised. We were told on Saturday afternoon, that Michael would spend approx 1 week in the ICU, and then a few more weeks in other parts of the hospital / rehab etc. well by Sunday morning they moved him to a regular room. Over night the wheezing dissipated almost to nothing. Monday morning he was finally okayed to take in solids..... so my brother took him a "sonic" breakfast burrito and a milk shake. he started eating it, loved it............. and the nurse came and took it off of him....... he has to eat soft foods until his throat heals. In the valiant attempt to save his life, they forced the intubation tube down his throat, causing a lot of trauma. his stomach tolerated the food well!!!! they removed all IV's and Foley Catheters, and tubes yesterday. So I can see him going home this week. He still has a tough time using his extremities, and he needs to be able to walk......... as quickly as he is improving......i can see that happening today!
IT has been a wonderful ending to a "long" year, and a wonderful beginning to the New Year.
I don't think I am going to make any new years resolutions this year. I am going to continue on my "Melody Mile" journey. But I am also going to enjoy every stage that I am in. A LOT has happened to me these past several months........ Beginning with Andrew and his scare with his Brain Injury. (which by the way is almost 100% resolved). And ending with the death of one nephew, and the "almost" death of another. life is precious, and unpredictable.... And i plan on enjoying it. and Thanking God for it.
We had a blast at Christina's party last night... and of course Kim fell right into place...... it was just a comfortable time. and of course, to just meet Kim is to love Kim.......... and the same with Christina and her family...... to meet them is to love them. Oh and i need to say two things. Chris, you had 90% on guitar hero, and I had 92% of hitting the correct notes...... and Andrew has a better coffee maker than you......... i am just saying.
OH and Kim's mom and family........ she behaved herself quite well last night!!!
To all my friends, I love you, and am blessed to have you in my life. Happy New Year.
Sandi, Sandi, Sandi,.......Never have I met such a competitive person. I will concede that Andrews coffee maker is MUCH better than mine, but don't mislead the public in thinking that you are the better guitar hero player. I actually won the challenge by having a 50 note streak!.........I'm just saying....
Glad you had fun, I know we all did, AND we managed to stay up after midnight!! WooHoo!!!
Ummmmm Christina, not competing or anything.......but you had a 48 note streak, and i had a 27 note steak........ So how in the heck did i get 92% of the notes, and you only 90%.. when you missed a note you must of missed a dozen g :)
luv ya more than my lungage!!!
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