I've been doing so great on the no sugar "Patti Day" as of late, i think I've had 3 Patti days in a row~~~~ I did NOT have the hot fudge brownie sundae's last night. I had my sugar free diet jello pudding sundae cup instead. and It hit the spot just fine.
I didn't get to Curves today.... didn't have my van today. So I can go Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Weds and Sat i work day shift. too bad it wasn't open at 2:30pm, I'd go right after work if that was the case, My Curves closes 1-4 or 2-4, and when i get home i find a million and one things to do. It has been beautiful and i have managed to start walking on campus today... i got to start out slow again. so i did a little over a mile.....
Okay i must say that I miss Christina, I haven't seen her in days!!! she has been a little under the weather with some kind of funky cold sinus thing. So i try not to bother her too much.... It seems like winter is moving so fast, and soon she'll be the busy bee again with the golf course.
hey Kim, she's not a tea drinker, maybe we should try and get her hooked........ nothing feels as good as a hot cup of tea when you're feeling yucky!!!
Andrew came home from school half a day with a bad headache and tired..... he walked in the house, fell on the couch, put a pillow over his eyes..... slept for an hour, got up ate and drank, and said his head ache went away. he has such sinus problems.......that this may not even be from his head injury.
Hey Kimmie....... how about Monday, hot tea, trader Joe's, some quaint little shops......... and what ever else. Christina want to learn how to drink tea with Us?? hey Patti, fly on out and have a spot of tea. and Gina, do you really have to go to work on Mondays???
Well I've been busy, and i need to go eat dinner....... turkey breast on light whole grain bread, and fresh berries and sf vanilla yogurt.....
Make it a good one
Hey look, I finally remembered my password on the google acct. I've had since 12/4. So I'm annonymous no more! I'm so excited!!!
Yes, I want to drink tea and go to Trader (Horn) Joe's!!!
I'd love to fly in for tea but no-can-do.
I'm tossing and turning over May and Katie's graduation. Do I want to share you or have you ladies to myself? Or make it another time? Touch choice. Or wait until September and we can go to Joyce Meyers. But Monica isn't interested in Joyce Meyers so that probably won't work. I wish I could do both but for some strange reason the hubster thinks I should spend some vacation time with him. Go figure.
Chris - where's your blog?
I don't know Patti, I'm way too boring to have a blog of my own. I just live vicariously through the rest of you guys!!
Oh no, no, no, no.........no one is boring and everyone has stories.....that's my motto......Christina needs a blog!
P.S. I am excited about Monday!
Let's keep in mind that Sandi is your neighbor. How could life be boring?
You've got a point there, Patti.
Sandi's always good for putting a little excitement in your day!
Kim, I'm excited about Monay too. The only problem is that I have to come up with a good excuse for not going to make pierogies with the little old church ladies on Monday morning..........any ideas?
Did some one say pierogies? i knew I liked you Chris.
If I have to look at the caption "my teapot" one more day......as Patti would say.......just sayin'......
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