Okay I had two pictures to choose from, the rain or my bed. ( the diarrhea wasn't an option) I am here at work although I am not feeling well at all. My stomach is very upset, and cramping pretty bad. I've been in the bathroom since 1am. I did get up a little this morning and managed to do the dishes and sweep the floors. and then I crawled back into bed and tried to rest. every time I'd fall asleep, I'd have to run to the bathroom... I checked my temperature when I got to work and it is 100.6, but i am so cold at the same time. The one and only drawback to working at Kiski is, the germs and viruses here are global. There are hundreds of different viruses out there, I have kids from Germany, Spain, Korea, China, Japan, Singapore, Africa......... etc........ , Coughing all over me. i am a stickler for washing my hands, and i wipe down every surface i touch with alcohol and spray disinfectants. Many of these kids returned from other countries this past weekend. many returned ill, and lets take in to account.......they carry the germs of every sick person on the plane with them for 10-12-15 hours!!!! there is SO MUCH SICKNESS HERE RIGHT NOW!!! I guess i can expect that with my job, I mean since i am in the nursing field and all. I just want to crawl back into my bed......and sleep sleep sleep. Oh gee, I have the 7am shift tomorrow morning., the one good thing is, On weekends I usually don't see anyone.
I didn't go to Curves today..... but I wasn't planning on it either......I was going to walk campus today. I do not benefit going to Curves 2 consecutive days.... I work the machines hard, and you really should take a day off to let your muscles repair. And there is a way you can work hard on the recovery boards and just use the weight machines lightly...... but hey..... I can jump up and down at home just as easy.
Eating has been going great for me, well, until today that is....... my intake has been Tea. i had a couple Bistro whole grain crackers this morning......and my tummy did NOT like it. Right now i am sipping on Vanilla Creme tea, I had Chamomile/Oregon Mint earlier, and Chi Spice earlier than that...... So I am peeing quite well too. Sunday I do NOT work..... so that is going to be rest for me......... so looking forward to going to Pittsburgh to hang with Kim and Chris on Monday.
Oh yeah.... I am going to try and post a picture every blog entry in January..... so you'll never Know what it is going to be...... I have my walking stick, my hiking shoes, my tub, my porch, my pets, my kids, my hubby, my foot that has the cool surgery scar......oh so much to see!!!!
Hey Chris, you blogging I can't believe the power Patti and Kim have over ya.....
From personal experience I must add that the bed is very comfy cozy.
Feel better soon g/f.
Feel better!
Love ya!
Wow Sandi, the bedroom looks great in that pic. Do you happen to know a good remodeler? My house could use a bit of a makeover........haha
Hope you feel better soon! Keep warm!
Lub Ya
Hmmmmmm.....I should have never complained about the teapot.....
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