I've been thinking about this circle of friends we have going here, and that in itself is a Miracle. We have Patti in Arizona, who i met years ago on a diet website, there is Kim who lived on the other end of the state who moved to Pittsburgh last year. Kellie who lives in Ohio, ( i also met on the same diet website) Now I haven't been active on this site for over 3 years. but these friends stayed in my heart. And Christina has been my friend and neighbor for over 20 years. Now Chris hasn't met Patti or Kellie in person. Patti hasn't met Chris in person yet. Kim hasn't met Kellie in person yet..........and I have met them all :0)!!!! We each have our own personal journeys, and sometimes these journeys are really tough... but we seem to have what each other needs........even if it is a prayer or a comment or knowledge shared. I consider these woman my most precious circle of friends........and I figure God must have his hand in it......how else could this group of women combined? we didn't go to the same school, or church, or heck we aren't even living in the same State. My network of friends go beyond this group, and I am so blessed with the friends I have. Some i may not see or hear from for a week, a month, a year... but my love for them and appreciation for them never change. , there was Dana, She was my fitness partner and buddy, she helped me get through my divorce, that was 8 years ago. our lives went in different direction, and i may see her in passing now. But I will NEVER forget her, and what her friendship meant to me. and there is Lydia, she moved away... but we stay in touch by phone and get together a couple times a year.... she helped me get over the one really bad relationship after my divorce, oh and she is the one that got tired of hearing me talk about this man that i am supposed to meet........ she got his number, and made me call him On Sept 13th 2001, ( I married that man 3 months later and 6 years ago ) i have a Canadian friend, who I'll always love, Not sure what is going on with that friendship, but she'll never be forgotten. I remember my childhood friend, we were inseparable from the time we could walk, We still see each other now and then..........and I'll always love her. And Patti D. my high school chum!!! and there are newer friends...... Joanie, Judy, Molly, Gina... As i look back on my life, I see how instrumental my friendships were. And some friends are meant to stay for the long haul, and some are meant to stop briefly, But Regardless. each and every relationship is important. Wow I am glad that God made Friends!!!
Well in other news, If anyone says "you can't work out at Curves" they are soooo wrong! lately I've been literally kicking my butt on the machines. when the 30 minutes is up, I almost don't even want to drive. But it feels good. I've been there for over a year now........and there were times that i didn't go like i should have, But i never threw in the towel, and I kept trudging on. I like the atmosphere so much, I like that it is women, all shapes, sizes, age groups.
And as I told Kim, I am in this journey with her, so the sweets in my life are almost non existent, and i am feeling pretty good about it. as you know I call them "Patti days" and I've had 5 "Patti Days" out of the last 7. Although i have not been diagnosed with Pre diabetic numbers yet..... why wait. my grandmother was diabetic, and I have 3 brothers that are type II diabetics. My body shape is that of my mother's. I carry my weight mainly in the hips and thighs. and the stomach is the first area that i loose. Kim and Patti are built the opposite of me, they tend to put weight on in the stomach. There is no winner or loser here, I am just saying.....
Well I am at Kiski again this morning, and I have one boy in the "hospital" part. So i am going to get him moving and ready for brunch....
Have a good day
I am very honored to have you as a friend.
Luv Ya
Me too!
Love ya!
Me three!
ditto @ four.
I am very happy to be a part of your "circle" Sandi! Love ya!
Oh my gosh....someone pass the tissues.......
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