Wednesday, February 28, 2007

exercise devil vs. exercise angel

okay first off, I just brought Katie home from the hospital today. she is still weak, nauseated, tummy upset, and mildly irritable..... but she is home, and we will go from here on getting her strength back.

Now i have these voices in my really i do. Don't we all? here is the conversation they are having with each other:

DEVIL: you are so tired, haven't slept much in a few days, stay home, sleep on the couch all day.

ANGEL: take a nap and at 3:00pm go to Curves and exercise, come home get a relaxing bath and rest all evening.

DEVIL: don't waste your energy.......... you're going to get sick, just stay home, and catch up on all the food you didn't eat the past three days.

ANGEL: come on we are talking Curves here, not the New York Marathon. it's thirty minutes out of the day, thirty minutes!!!

DEVIL: you've been so stressed and worried about Katie, you deserve a day off, start tomorrow.

ANGEL: you've been so stressed and worried about Katie, you deserve to be good to your body, start today.

DEVIL: stay home for Katie

ANGEL: go to Curves for Katie.... get back into your routine, you love your kids so much be healthy for a long healthy life for them, for yourself

so you get the picture right............... well Christina will be picking me up at 3pm today, i will do Curves.....prob do a tape tomorrow, Curves Friday, Sat prob tape, or one more session of Curves. Devil, I've got too many angels in heaven (Melody) and too many angels on Earth (Christina) and others....... you ain't gotta chance this time.

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