Tuesday, February 13, 2007

it's snowing ....it's snowing.......... it's snowing

BUT i did manage to get to Christina's house to exercise....... it was actually a tough work out, and my body felt it. It is truly a winter wonder land outside........and my work called to tell me not to venture out, so how nice would it be just to hang out in my nice and tidy home ( thanks to my 4 great kids) drinking hot tea, and reading a good book.

So i get the call early this morning.........yes it's Christina saying she can't do our 9am workout ,..... yes!!!! and then she says............ " I'll call you when I get home" gee, and i almost got away with it :) True to her word, she called after lunch............ and so i went.... all joking aside, it is nice to have people keep you accountable......and on track. So now i can spend sometime drinking warm tea, and maybe watching a good movie!!!

My husband got me a really nice bracelet,....... that have the words: dream, believe, achieve to help me remember about my quest. I don't wear jewelry, but i do love wearing this.... and when i reach for something that i shouldn't.........i.e. Oreo cookies, my bracelet with the charms on it, reminds me......... about my dreams, and goal. so it works for me.

My Goal is to workout 5-6 times a week this week. I got 2 in already

talk to you later


Patti Rambles On said...

It has to snow now so it will be clear for our PA PJ Party St. Patti's Day.
Love the bracelet! What a great idea.

Sandi said...

Patti even if it looks like this... it will be okay..... we can hang out infront of a fire in the stone fireplace, enjoy healthy appetizers, maybe some sledriding.. watch a good girl movie.... prob though it will be not cold, not hot, bleek and muddy. and even with that we will have fun

Kim said...

If there's snow I'll sledride. but I gotta warn you ladies...last year I went and flipped of an innertube and ended up with my arm in a sling. My doctor looked at me and said....you think you are a young person?.......and I said....YES!