The big news is that on Thursday night Bill got the phone call that the Strike is over, and he is to return to work on Monday!! WE made it, sometimes it wasn't easy, and sometimes i wondered why? But surprisingly we did okay, bills got paid, food put on the table, a little bit of fun mixed in.
I did accomplish my 4 days of scheduled exercise in, and it might be 5 if I get today in too. i opted to not go to the gym today........ yesterday i got up at 6:30 am went to the office to clean, came home and left for the day to help my brother Chris move, heavy lifting, tons of up and down steps, lifting heavy furniture and walking up hill........ pushing, pulling, lifting, throwing... up down up down...... get the picture!! came home did some house work.. took a bath, and crawled into bed~~~ this morning, my muscles have been so pissed at me, even the muscles in my fingers. my brothers and sister in laws couldn't get over how i look, they said the difference is amazing, makes me feel good, but more importantly than how I look, it is my strength and energy...... i was kicking butt yesterday. i am loving this journey.
well today Katie wants to go to see the Harry Potter movie, i am ready to see it too....... love that series. i'll get Bill fed, and put to bed in the cool dark room with Relaxation music playing........ He gets up so early to deliver the Sunday paper, he must have only got a few hours of sleep last night........ So i best get my butt off this computer seat, and start my day...... umm that is if i CAN get my butt off this computer seat..
1 comment:
The strike is over! Yippeee!
Tell Bill I said rest up for Monday. Back to work AND low carb day :xoxo:
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