Monday, June 15, 2009


In today's world, we want quick fixes, quick meals, quick answers, instant gratification........ Patience is becoming a lost art. . . . . oatmeal can now be cooked in 45 seconds instead of the 20 minutes on the stove. Computers can be "surfed" at record speed. You can now buy bacon precooked.......... 30 seconds to crispy bacon on your plate. You now have overnight package delivery. why save for that "special' thing you want. Just pull out a credit card, buy it NOW!!! ....... I am loving the infomercials lately....... drop the weight instantly....... by taking a pill, taking a shake.... using a "buttblaster"...... even have bariatric surgery, and the weight will drop like magic....
I am losing weight, and i have been losing weight since last February.... slow and steady! I had the Lap band surgery..... still didn't have the quick fix..... i did lose a large amount of weight quickly, but then i leveled off to a slow steady loss.......i don't eat as much anymore, but i could if wanted too... if i didn't learn along the way...... that i am not in a race, and i have a lifetime here. I truly figure by next year at this time, i will be at the weight I want to be.... i am losing it by exercise, and proper portion sizes. i am losing it because of my food choices, and because of PATIENCE!!! Every other time i tried to lose weight......... i wanted it done quickly, I didn't want to take the time to do it right.....
Yesterday i went to Johnny's without Christina, i must say it is harder by myself....... John never turned away from me. and i jumped into one exercise after another, without a little break. He watched and counted every move. He makes 20 minutes feel like i've been working out for an hour. i spent 30 minutes doing Cardio. since i am on the bike such a short time, in order to maximize the effort........ he has me doing cardio spurts..... at 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28 minute mark for 30 seconds........going as fast as i can go. and the 90 seconds in between i go as slow as i need too. He said doing this will burn fat for 8 to 12 hours after i've left the gym...... all i know is my body felt it..........every muscle cried out when i attempted to move. I HAVE to get to the gym tues or weds this week...... and then he will train me on Friday and Sunday....
The kids and Albert are heading down to Pittsburgh this morning for the Penguin parade. Bill is doing his one day of picket duty. Still on strike, no talks scheduled, another lesson in life for me to learn patience. i asked God to take this burden, but i sorta wanted him to "fix" it rather quickly! I guess there is a lesson here...... and i need to TRust that it will be okay.
I work today 10 until 3 pm....... so i should get moving here, get some house work done, some laundry washed, dinner started.......
Have a great day folks........

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Have a Great week!
Luv ya