So about a year ago i started getting Migraines occasionally, sometimes i'd go 3 months without any. but usually i'd get a Migraine in direct correlation with my monthly cycle. And I ALWAYS get what i call the "light show". this light show affects my vision in a big way. So last Thursday, i am at work..... and i lose my sight because of the light show. i immediately take a Maxalt, (medication that prevents the headache from occurring that I take as soon as i spot the lights) now usually i am to take this medicine, and then just sit quietly for about 1/2 hour. because I was at work, i tried to work through the lights, which caused the headache to come in full force, came home rested But had the dull headache the rest of the day. Next morning all was fine......, Saturday felt great, Sunday felt great, worked out with Johnny...... by midafternoon another light show, took another Maxalt, took a 30 minute nap, two hours later...... another light show....... what the heck....... this has never happened before.......... took my last Maxalt.... which made me very tired.... Monday morning woke up fine...... read a little, cleaned a little.. got ready for work... 9am the worse "light show" yet....... i actually lost my vision in the right eye completely......... no more medicine....... no insurance while Bill is on strike..... so i put my ice pack over my eyes.. and went to lie down, got very nauseated and then a very bad headache....... called off work. and i remained in bed all morning and afternoon.. no tv, no lights.... nothing... i slept on and off....... ... the headache by afternoon was dull, i did go visit baby Paige and Chris and Megan for less than an hour, came home and went back to bed....... today i am fine, no signs of a headache. I am heading to work shortly....... Not sure what this was all about. not sure if my hormones are flying in every direction.... I am 42, and in that 5 to 10 year transition into Menopause..... I may be under more stress than i realize, with Bill not working and all..... who knows.......
Well I must get to the gym this afternoon........ I must!!! John said that we need to show him that we utilize the gym on days he doesn't work with Us, he said, ........ Sandi there are no excuses....... if you want this bad enough.....you will get up here........ he is right...
Well i have 1/2 hour to pack my lunch and get ready for work...... so i best get my butt moving....
Love and Blessings to All
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