Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stand by your Man!!!

.....well if meaning "stand by your man", is standing close enough to wack him in the head after you find out he's been spending thousands of dollars on prostitutes..........well then Yes! i would stand by my man. But i can be pretty sure that i wouldn't be on air behind a podium trying really hard to look lovingly up at my snake of a husband, that i just found out had been sleeping with prostitutes for years, so that the "husbands image can be restored, if possible to the general public. My husband would be "going at it alone". am i being harsh, maybe. But i know that i am worth more than that. I am not sure what is going on in the private life of the Spritzer family. I do feel so bad for the young teenage daughters. I do not know if this blind sided his wife, or if she has always "known", but figured it came with the territory.... and she liked the high life and the fringe benefits of being a governors wife. I don't know. it is all so sad......... because this is how the world has become.

This reminds me of a local lay minister, who was/is a prominent business man, and held an elected local government office. It finally came out that he had been sexually abusing Minor Children, and had hundreds of affairs with women whom he was counseling. His wife stood right beside him, and made excuses for him, and I remember her saying..... "well he didn't sleep with everyone he came in contact with......." oh that is great. he was sleeping with his teenage children's friends........ He did immediately have to stop his ministry..... which he did for years. The church wanted it kept hush hush........... well in the past few years he started his ministry up again..... and just last week he was on His radio station...... with a bunch of children and youth doing a program.... my heart stopped......... I don't think this man will ever change..... He came clean because he was Caught.......... not because he felt like he needed to purge his problem. he was/is an evil man hiding behind the name of Jesus......... a scary scary thing!!!

well enough of that.... Our Father in Heaven sees, and knows all things. I would go crazy if i focus on the negative politicians, and so called followers of God.......... I'll trust Him, and Trust that God is in Control.

I think for the first time as long as i can remember, i do not have an appetite, not sure why at this point. It is even hard to cook for the family right now because of food turning me off!!! and i am not hungry for anything. not even chocolate! Yesterday I met Bill for lunch ( he loves when i do that) I ordered a Turkey/avocado burger and instead of fries I ordered a baby tomato fresh mozzarella salad...... forced 1/2 of the burger down and 1/3 of my salad. and last night I had 1/2 cup of Mexican rice with low fat cheese. and that is all that I ate yesterday.... I was gonna have a grilled cheese and tomato soup (hi Patti) but just couldn't bring myself to make it. I know I know I know, that i need to eat more.. but it really is easier said than done right now....... But Thank Goodness, i have enough um...... on my body to keep me alive for some time..... it's just that my body doesn't just pick the fat............ it will take the muscle too. oh well, i am drinking a lot of water/tea/ ginger ale. I was going to start Curves this week, But...... i see the doctors on Monday.... and i should truly get released from them......

Anonymous.......... i love having you back....... you bring a type of comfort to me........ not sure why...... but you do.......... thanks for the prayers.

Make it a good one folks


Patti Rambles On said...

Last night on the news one opinion said many political marriages are a “business arrangement”. Look at Hilary way back when Bill was running for President and his *indiscretions* came to light. She said something like *I’m not some Tammy Wynette singing Stand By Your Man.* Of course she had to make a public apology to Tammy after that statement. Being the Governors wife has its perks. I don’t feel bad for the wife but I do feel bad for their three daughters. Can you imagine having to go to school yesterday?

Patti Rambles On said...

FTM: Katie Sweet Girl, Make your Momma a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. She'd do it for you. In fact make two and have some with her.

Chris said...

I wonder if the world has always been like this? Or is it just that everything is so much more out in the open now with all the media attention? I'm sure there were many dirty little secrets that were hidden in all of history.
Today, yesterday, whenever, it's still such a shame! Why can't people just live DECENT lives?????

Kim said...

IMHO....the world has always been like this....what can I say? We live in a fallen world. Look at the Roman Empire. They were known for their drugs and orgies and they had plenty of political and sexual scandals. On top of that, they found public torture to be entertaining. People are just as evil as they have always been. It's just that the news travels much faster now thanks to leaps and strides in media, electronics, computers etc.

Sandi said...

yeah I Know it has been here from the beginning of time, just read the old testament of the Bible. But what is changing.... is humanity is becoming Desensitized to right from wrong. Just look at the changes on television in the last 20 years. yeah there has been prostitution since the begining, but now it seems like it's a top career choice for many young woman...... i've seen interviews all day with prostitutes that say it is a great career....... i just saw this today that 1 out of 4 girls between ages 13-18 have a sexually transmitted disease, I have 13, 14, 15 year old girls sending nude pictures of themselves via cell phones....

NO wonder i keep 10 eyes on my children ........ it just has to be.

Anonymous said...

These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze. I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first. 20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. 21 I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. 22 So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. Rev 2: 18-22

A hard pill to swallow sometimes huh Sandi? But it is meant to be as the bible tells us so. I agree, it IS often rather difficult to watch in the process.

Oh well, we still have much to rejoice about for He is coming and the fact we have such a forgiving God.