Monday, March 03, 2008

No matter how long winter seems, Spring always follows

I had a pretty good weekend, i am feeling better than I have in months...... which brings me to wonder if I've had a chronic infection all along....... it's funny I am not snoring anymore....... I started snoring 3 years ago after my first major respiratory infection but it always felt like something was deep in my throat, like a chicken bone!!! and for the first time in years i haven't felt that. Now what i ended up having was a secondary bacterial infection which caused acute symptoms, Now my New Ear/Nose/Throat Doctor said i need to officially see if I even have Asthma......... As My type of breathing (Strider) which sounds like Croup in young children mimics the sounds of Asthma in the Lungs....... He is NOT saying I do not have asthma, He is saying i need to get an official diagnosis.

I am feeling really really good........ have more energy, and although I rest a lot, I am finding that i am not sleeping during the day. I am looking forward to starting back at Curves....... I've lost everything that i accomplished the past year in just a few months... But I am Alive! And have the ability to start again........ I must say i am weak!!!......... Ahh Spring in the Air, New life, New beginning......... and Melody's Mile continues.....

I am really keeping Kellie and her family in prayer as the endeavour continues for Nate. I have a good feeling that Nate is going where God wants.......and he WILL see progress!!! It doesn't matter what the world says, or doctors say...... God has the final say!

Kim and Chris seem to be feeling a little better just maybe, just maybe, the strength of this Winters Illnesses or wearing down...... Spring Always comes.

Have a great day today everyone, and I love you all.

Oh Patti will be coming soon.......... just tell Us when Girl, and we will work around your plans.....


Chris said...

You know how much I LOVE winter, but I actually got a little spring fever when I got up this morning and it felt like spring in the air. (even with all the snow still on the ground).

Anonymous said...

Glad to read you are feeling much better.