I tried to go to bed a little earlier, but i am still so bloated........ let me explain. Yesterday was a perfect none bloating day...... 2 very tiny meals 1 was two bistro whole grain crackers and 3/4 oz of lowfat cheddar. and the second meal was 1/2 turkey breast sandiwich on flax bread and 1/2 cup of pudding. oh and i had 1 small slice of pizza.
Still have No appetite, but i gotta eat. well today Bill and I went to get me new tennis shoes, i get new shoes every six months, but this time it has been two years..... that is a no no for me especially with my foot problems and past surgery. well we decided to go out to eat. at 11 am i had one serving of steak fajita's , two bites of rice and 2 bite of bills dessert, i drank one glass of ice tea, my next meal was at 5pm and it was 1/4 th of a subway hoagie with light mayo..... That is it........... i am drinking water. but my belly is so big, and as hard as a rock...... it is 10:30pm and not going down at all... not sure what to do.
Bill took pictures for me about an hour ago....... I was going to eat a normal meal before i go back to the doctors on Monday, to show him what happens, but i think i am too uncomfortable to eat more than an ounce or two of food at one time again...... so I'll show him the pictures.
I thought i'd post them to show you guys. yoi, what in the heck happened when i was ill last month???
Nathan, please have your mom give you a hug from me... i am so proud of you for fighting this and doing so well, YOU CAN AND WILL SUCCEED!!!
If it wasn't after 11pm, I would call you. I know you don't want to hear this but I am worried about you. Call me if you read this and can't sleep. Love ya!
I wonder if you cut out wheat gluten if that could be the culprit. I just saw a report yesterday that wheat gluten free products WERE for people with celiac disease, however they have found that the wheat gluten has an indigestible protein (not found in other proteins). People who have cut it out of their diets have seen a decrease in migraines, PMS, cramps, etc. and have even experienced weight loss. I have a whole nother theory on the weight loss but don’t want to clog the blog. Maybe I’ll go clog my blog about it ;~}
You ate well yesterday but had some sort of wheat with every mini meal. Crackers, flax bread, tortilla, piece of hoagie roll.
Just grasping at straws here. It might be worth a try.
Maybe you should also ask your doctor to do a food allergy test. As you know you can develop allergies at any point in your life so just because you weren’t allergic to, oh say, pepper in the past…..
Love you g/f
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